Work-Life Balance
ADVANCE-The Work-Life/Balance Policy event is a venue to facilitate networking and information sharing regarding work-life balance issues and policies. We will be focusing on Family leave (including parental/maternity leave), tenure clock extension, and childcare policies. Participants are invited to share their experiences with Purdue’s work-life policies and programs and provide suggestions for improvements. Our overarching goal is to enhance/promote an environment conducive to faculty success through family-friendly policies and programs.
Elder Care Discussion
Date: March 26, 2010
- Work-Life Balance: Elder Care Flyer
- Agenda
- Pre-Questionnaire for Elder Care Discussion
- Elder Care and Women in the STEM Disciplines: Key Findings by Mary Burbink and Valentine M. Moghadam
- Elder Care Presentation and Discussion: Key Points by Valentine Moghadam
- Caring for Mom, Mum, and Maman by Sara Mansfield Taber
- Smart Strategies for Elder-Care by Lisa Scherzer
- Who Takes Care of Mom? Siblings class as they respond to parents' aging by Francine Russo
- Number of people age 65 and over from
- Population age 65 and over, by race from
- Marital status of the population age 65 and over from
- Educational attainment of the population age 65 and over from
- Living arrangements of the population age 65 and over from Aging
Work-Life Balance Discussion
Date: October 16, 2009
- Agenda
- Opening Remarks: Valentine M. Moghadam
- Work-Life Balance: Research Findings by Shelley MacDermid Wadsworth
- Post-Work/Life Event Policy Report
- Purdue University’s Work/Family Policies: A Comparative Assessment by Valentine M. Moghadam and Mary J. Burbink
- Women Faculty Success and Work/Family Balance: An Issues Paper by Valentine M. Moghadam and Mary J.Burbrink
- Bibliography