Academic Notice

Academic Notice – it is not a phrase Boilermakers and their families want or plan to hear. Being placed on academic notice is a notification from the university that we are concerned about your academic performance and progress.

Although you may have experienced some academic challenges, each semester offers an opportunity for progress and improvement. Academic Notice is not an ending – it can be part of your success story. Purdue admits students who have what it takes to be successful. Each semester, we see students meet their academic goals, whether it be to improve their GPA, return to good standing, or mastering content that once seemed too difficult. We believe in you and your potential.

Understanding Academic Notice

The formal policies around academic notice and separation can be found on the University Regulations website, but to learn more please download our Understanding Academic Notice handouts or watch the video provided below.


For a visual summary, reference the chart below:

Academic Notice Flowchart maps the process from academic notice due to a semester or cumulative GPA below a 2.0 and the potential outcomes the following fall or spring semester. If your semester GPA is at or above a 2.0 and your cumulative GPA is at or above a 2.0, then you will be returned to good standing. If one GPA is at or above a 2.0 and the other is below a 2.0, then you will remain on Academic Notice. If both cumulative and semester GPAs are below a 2.0 after a fall or spring term on academic notice, then you will be academically separated from the university. Readmission is an option after time away.

Students are placed on notice after a cumulative (overall) GPA and/or a semester GPA falls below a 2.0. Students return to good academic standing once both GPAs are at or above a 2.0 in a fall or spring semester. (Academic Standing is not assessed during summer terms). Sometimes it may take a while to raise a cumulative GPA above a 2.0 so as long as one of your GPAs (cumulative or semester) is at or above a 2.0, students can continue on notice. If both of a students’ GPAs fall below a 2.0 while on academic notice, then the student will be academically separated from the university.

Utilize Resources - You Aren't In This Alone

We realize that there are often many personal and situational factors that contribute to students’ academic performance. We encourage you to utilize the resources available to you to support you holistic success, including:

Common Questions

What should I do if I think there is an error on my grade for a course or with my academic record?

For concerns about a grade in a course, contact your course instructor. For concerns about your overall academic record, contact your academic advisor.

I was told I’m on academic notice, but my GPA is higher than a 2.0. How is that possible?

Information about the notice policy in this page is about the university-wide academic notice. Some academic departments and programs have additional academic notice categories that may be related to academic performance within core major courses. Your academic advisor and academic department are the best resources to understand how that is calculated and action steps you need to take to return to good standing within your academic program.

What impact do summer classes have on academic notice?

It is important to note that you cannot be placed on academic notice due to summer grades nor can you get off of notice due to summer grades. Your academic advisor can help you create a customized plan to best utilize summer classes. Some students use summer to retake difficult courses or take courses related to their interests to help boost their GPA prior to the fall semester.

I’ve been academically separated after being on notice. What now?

Academic separation is an opportunity to reflect on your educational and career goals. If you would like to apply for readmission to Purdue, visit the Readmission after Academic Dismissal site for more information and resources.

I am the family member or support person of a student on academic notice, and I am concerned about my student. What should I do?

Anyone who is concerned about a student can share their concern with the Office of the Dean of Students through the Student of Concern reporting link.

You can also visit the Parent and Family Connections website for resources, information, tools, and services to help you empower your student.

Last Updated: March 2025

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