Level Up Your Academic Success is a 4 part series that engages in self-reflection, addresses previous academic challenges, and develops a plan to move forward. This series is recommended for students on academic notice or students looking to overcome academic setbacks.
Level Up will take place in the Academic Success Center (Wiley Hall, C215) from 5:30pm to 7:00pm on-
- Tuesday, January 16
- Thursday, January 18
- Tuesday, January 23
- Thursday, January 25
By registering for Level Up, you are agreeing to participate in all 4 sessions. The first 60 minutes of each session will be dedicated to new content and group activities. The last 30 minutes is for you!
Attending an ASC workshop is a great way to jump-start the process of achieving your goals.
What is a Workshop at the ASC?
Workshops at the ASC are...
- Designed to tackle some of the most pressing challenges student’s face today.
- Facilitated by our relatable and energetic ASC Staff and Ambassadors.
- An interactive and engaging way to enhance your learning skills.
- A low-pressure, group learning environment.
- Typically 50 minutes long.
Request a Workshop
Interested in requesting a workshop of your own? Workshops can be requested by faculty, staff and student organizations. Please note that certain workshops are not available for external requests. To learn more about which workshops may be requested, scroll down to our Workshop Offerings section.
Request a WorkshopAttend a Workshop at the ASC
The following workshops are held at the Academic Success Center in Wiley Hall. For more information about the details and content of each workshop, please click here or scroll down to visit the "Workshop Offerings" section of this page. Please note that the internal workshop schedule is updated every semester and may vary throughout the academic year.
Workshop Offerings
We rotate our workshops throughout the semester. In order to stay up to date with what’s going and when workshops are offered follow us on Instagram @purdueasc, check our website throughout the semester, or email academicsuccess@purdue.edu.
Please note that not all of these workshop offerings are available for external request. Please see workshop description to see which workshops may be requested.
Plan Your Successful Semester
The start of a new semester can be overwhelming! That’s why we created this workshop to help you get organized, set semester goals, and plan ahead. We ask that you bring printed copies of your syllabi or have them available on a laptop. We will review your important dates, discuss how to break down major assignments into manageable pieces, and indicate when to start working on them!
Throughout the workshop, we will engage in conversation regarding some of the biggest challenges students face today such as time management, motivation, and creating balance. This is a great way to start the semester prepared and know that you are not alone here!
Level Up Series
Academics not working out as you planned? Do you recognize previous mistakes made and challenges you faced? Are you looking to take your success a level up? Sounds like you’re ready for a comeback. Failing, in some way, is a common experience among college students; but it’s what we do with this failure that can make all the difference.
Level Up Your Academic Success is a 2-part series that engages in self-reflection, addresses previous academic challenges, and develops a plan to move forward. This series is recommended for students on academic grade probation or students looking to overcome academic setbacks. Level up provides a unique opportunity to create community through the interaction of a continuous group of participants. The 90-minute sessions create a “table” for success through activities regarding goal setting, personal responsibility, self-management, and positive affirmations. The first 60 minutes of each session will be dedicated to new content and group activities. The last 30 minutes are for you! Use this independent work time to practice strategies, complete handouts or focus your attention on school work. It’s a new semester… let’s plan your comeback!
Resource Roadmap
The start of a new semester can be overwhelming! That’s why we created this workshop to help you get more familiar and acclimated with various academic resources here on Purdue's campus. Geared towards freshman and sophomores here on campus, we will engage in conversation regarding college/department resource rooms, academic support/coaching services, the cultural centers, and more in order to broaden students' understanding of what resources are out there and how they can help with overall academic success! This workshop is a great way to start the semester prepared and know that you are not alone here!
This workshop is not available for external request.
PASS Your Exams
Are you struggling with exam preparation, organization, and scheduling sufficient times to study? Are you becoming stressed and anxious with exams? Here at the Academic Success Center, we understand and have all experienced the struggles of exam preparation, as well as the associated anxiety and stress that comes with it. Therefore, we encourage you to join this workshop to learn how you can P.A.S.S. your exams, as well as how to properly manage stress and anxiety that is accompanied with exam preparation and test taking. This workshop will help you prepare, discuss text anxiety, manage stress during the actual exam, and learn best practices when it comes to test-taking strategies.
Practice Your POMO
Are you having difficulty with procrastination and focusing on your studies? Are you familiar with the Pomodoro Technique? The Pomodoro Technique, a popular time management method, asks you to alternate pomodoros — focused work sessions — with frequent short breaks to promote sustained concentration and stave off mental fatigue.
Join the ASC in this late-night study session, on the hour, every hour with practicing the Pomodoro Technique. The workshop will include quiet work time of your choice, with frequent, short breaks in between from 7pm to 11pm. The break will consist of snacks, fun trivia, and prizes which will be given out to participating students!
Note: Registration is not required for Practice Your Pomo but does help with our planning.
This workshop is not available for external request.
Improve Your Reading and Note-Taking
Have you been struggling to stay focused while reading your course material? Are you searching for ways to make your notes more clear, concise, and organized? No need to worry! Reading and note-taking are tasks that a lot of college students struggle with; often getting distracted and letting their minds wonder leading to limited productivity. In this workshop, we aim to look at various approaches on how to interact and be successful with your reading and note-taking skills inside and outside of the classroom.
We will discuss different reading strategies that can help focus your attention, as well as provide multiple note-taking methods that can help you organize and understand course content better. Reading and note-taking are crucial processes for academic success that should be reflected on and adapted throughout your college career.
Create Your Finals Game Plan
Ever feel like the end of the semester comes out of nowhere? Like it was just week 3 and now all of your finals projects are due and exams are creeping up? Finals week has the tendency to sneak up on us. That’s why we encourage you to look ahead! Create your Finals Game Plan allows you to reflect on the semester and determine what you need for a successful finals week. During this session we will explore learning activities and study strategies, highlight different scheduling methods, and create your game plan!
Your game plan will consist of 3 key parts:
- Organization
- Prioritization
- Scheduling
You will have the opportunity to share your own personal tips & tricks, participate in discussion with your peers, and leave prepared with a plan that works for you!
Finish Line Focus
Ever feel like the end of the semester comes out of nowhere? Like it was just week 3 and now all of your finals projects are due and exams are creeping up? The last 2 to 3 weeks of the semester seem to be one of the most stressful and overwhelming times for college students with classes finishing up and finals quickly approaching. In doing so, we encourage you to look ahead, prioritize tasks and keep the motivation up in order to finish out the semester strong! Finish Line Focus allows you to reflect and learn how to overcome the lingering procrastination one might feel at the end of the semester, as well as stay motivated until the very end.
You will have the opportunity to share your own personal tips & tricks, participate in discussions with your peers, and leave prepared with a plan that works for you!
This workshop is not available for external request.
Maximize Your Time
Do you ever feel like there isn’t enough time in the day? Are you feeling overwhelmed by deadlines? We understand how hard it can be to prioritize academics while trying to have a social life. This workshop looks to tackle some of these scheduling conflicts by evaluating how you spend your time.
Join our workshop to learn more about how to identify your time wasters, establish a customizable routine for yourself, and reflect on how you can improve the use of your time. Learn from your peers as we engage in conversation regarding time management challenges and share tips on how to stay organized throughout the semester. The goal is to get you thinking about what will work best for you!
Enhance Your Study Skills
Are you becoming frustrated completing countless hours of studying and still not feeling confident about the topic? Are you searching for additional ways to learn your course material so that you can improve your course grades? We understand and have all experienced not feeling confident with course material, frustration while studying, and a lack of interest.
We encourage you to join this workshop to learn how you can boost your studying strategies beyond memorization and practice problems to become more prepared for your assignments and exams. Keep yourself from cramming by developing effective study times to focus in key concepts and stay on track throughout the semester!
- Programs and Services
- Supplemental Instruction
- Peer Success Coaching
- Study Skills Consultations
- Workshops
- Accountability Groups