
Eventos del Instituto Nexus

Ideas Festival - Food for thought: What IF food was digital?

February 26, 2019
6:30 PM - 7:30 PM
Stewart Center, Fowler Hall


What IF food was digital? is the question that will be at the center of a discussion with Miles O’Brien, science correspondent for “PBS NewsHour,” and Caleb Harper, principal investigator and director of the Open Agriculture Initiative at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology Media Lab, during a Feb. 26 event. O’Brien and Harper will also explore many other issues in relation to how food and technology may intersect in the future, such as how computerized boxes might someday replace farms and how personal food computers might alter the way we eat.

The lecture, which is free and open to the public, will take place at 6:30 p.m. in Stewart Center’s Fowler Hall. The event will be livestreamed.

Live captioning will be available for the deaf or hearing impaired at the public lectures. The feed will go live 10-15 minutes prior to the start of the event and attendees will need to bring their own device to access the captioning.  


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Lori Hoagland

Lori Hoagland
Profesor, Purdue University
Horticultura y arquitectura del paisaje
Codirectora del Instituto Nexus
Correo electrónico: c4e-nexus@purdue.edu

Walter Daniel Leon-Salas

Walter Daniel Leon-Salas
Profesor Asociado, Purdue University
Tecnología de ingeniería eléctrica
Codirector del Instituto Nexus
Correo electrónico: c4e-nexus@purdue.edu

Dennis Macedo

Dennis Macedo
Profesor Asociado, UNSA
Codirector del Instituto Nexus
Correo electrónico: dmacedov@unsa.edu.pe

Purdue University