
Eventos del Instituto Nexus

Nexus Postdoctoral Researcher Webinar Series

April 15, 2020
12:00 PM - 1:00 PM


Please join us to the Nexus Postdoctoral Webinar presentation. Dr. Alex Cartagena will be presenting on the Seasonality of metals species in Streams in Arequipa Region.

Alex is part of the project " Seasonal Heavy Metals Concentrations in the Arequipa Region" led by Dr. Chad Jafvert (Purdue) and Dr. Betty Paredes (UNSA). 

The project goal is to investigate the transport and speciation of metals (copper, lead, arsenic, etc.), in several rivers in the Arequipa region that are impacted by mine drainage. The team focuses on water sample collection on streams associated with irrigation areas and assessment for metals  or as  suspended solids (i.e., adsorbed to solids or as colloidal precipitates). 

Please follow the information below to join the meeting:

Meeting number: 610 598 825

Meeting password: fuEkpwtc567

Meeting link: 

Audio connection: +1-855-282-6330 US TOLL FREE

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Lori Hoagland

Lori Hoagland
Profesor, Purdue University
Horticultura y arquitectura del paisaje
Codirectora del Instituto Nexus
Correo electrónico: c4e-nexus@purdue.edu

Walter Daniel Leon-Salas

Walter Daniel Leon-Salas
Profesor Asociado, Purdue University
Tecnología de ingeniería eléctrica
Codirector del Instituto Nexus
Correo electrónico: c4e-nexus@purdue.edu

Dennis Macedo

Dennis Macedo
Profesor Asociado, UNSA
Codirector del Instituto Nexus
Correo electrónico: dmacedov@unsa.edu.pe

Purdue University