
Noticias del Instituto Nexus

Special Message from Ministro Franklin Rojas Escalante on the 6th International Day of Women and Girls in Science

February 11, 2021

In celebration of the 6th International day of Women and Girls in Science, Ministro, Franklin Rojas Escalante, Consul General of Peru in Chicago congratulated the Arequipa Nexus Institute women researchers for their dedication and important role in scientific research that tackles fundamental problems in Arequipa such as, the sustainability of food, water, energy, and the environment. 

Watch the video and the transcript below: 


"Dear friends and leaders of Purdue University, on this occasion I am very pleased to be able to address you in my capacity as Consul General of Peru in Chicago on the occasion of the "International Day of Women and Girls in Science" date instituted in 2016 by the United Nations assembly. In circumstances in which the humanity faces a pandemic with tragic and painful consequences for everyone, it is of unique value and relevance, the work of science, of those who like you dedicate all your efforts putting science and technology in the service of life. 

It is within this framework that I salute and congratulate the increasing presence of women scientists, a sector that at times was unfairly and unjustifiably marginalized from the scientific field. Today we verify with satisfaction the achievements, contributions, and active participation of women in the scientific world. Therefore, as a Peruvian, it is a source of pride and great satisfaction to witness how a group of professors and student researchers from the Nexus Institute of Arequipa are part of the cooperation between the Universidad Nacional University of San Agustin de Arequipa, UNSA and Purdue University in Indiana. Thanks to their enormous dedication to scientific research on issues of vital importance such as, the sustainability of food, water, energy and the environment, they show us that it is possible to generate effective solutions through an innovative research generating development, new policies for the region of Arequipa and Peru. What better occasion then, to congratulate you for this invaluable work. At the same time, I reiterate my deep gratitude to the leadership, academic, and scientists of Purdue University for this, always generous and long-term cooperation that you have been providing to our Peruvian academic and scientific institutions. Thank you very much".

Contact Details


Lori Hoagland

Lori Hoagland
Profesor, Purdue University
Horticultura y arquitectura del paisaje
Codirectora del Instituto Nexus
Correo electrónico: c4e-nexus@purdue.edu

Walter Daniel Leon-Salas

Walter Daniel Leon-Salas
Profesor Asociado, Purdue University
Tecnología de ingeniería eléctrica
Codirector del Instituto Nexus
Correo electrónico: c4e-nexus@purdue.edu

Dennis Macedo

Dennis Macedo
Profesor Asociado, UNSA
Codirector del Instituto Nexus
Correo electrónico: dmacedov@unsa.edu.pe

Purdue University