About CPIP
The Cancer Prevention Internship Program (CPIP) for Undergraduate Students is a twelve-month internship program which engages undergraduates and graduates in cutting edge research combining two or more disciplinary strengths in cancer prevention research. Selected undergraduate students begin with a full-time summer internship and continue their work with a part-time (6-12 hours/week) internship through the following academic year. Selected graduate students receive a year-long stipend and participate in all the CPIP supplemental activities.
Both graduate and undergraduate students supplement their research activities by participating in professional development and community outreach efforts. CPIP offers brown bag seminars during the summer and a cancer prevention seminar series (NUTR590) during the academic year. All students also engage in cancer prevention community outreach efforts to strengthen the connection between discovery and delivery.
CPIP has 6-7 available undergraduate internship slots and 2-4 graduate student slots per year. Undergraduate students earn a $4,500 stipend during the summer and receive a $500 scholarship each academic semester after the successful completion of all required components. Graduate students receive a year-long stipend beginning in June, with the level dependent on the college in which they are registered.
Undergraduate student applications are only available in late February or early March for the following academic year and student selections are announced by mid-April. Graduate student applications and generally due in late January or mid-February of each year. Accepted students begin the program in May or June.
Contact CPIP
To contact CPIP, please e-mail CPIP@purdue.edu