Graduate Fellowship Application Instructions
Fellowships to participate in the Cancer Prevention Internship Program (CPIP) are available. The fellowship provides a one year stipend, tuition and insurance, beginning in June of each year, to predoctoral students who have cancer prevention within the focus of their dissertation research and are registered in the colleges of Health and Human Sciences, Liberal Arts or whose faculty mentors are members of the Purdue University Center for Cancer Research. The program includes curricular and extracurricular requirements to introduce students to cross discipline approaches to cancer prevention research and to enhance abilities in interdisciplinary communication and research teams.
Application Deadline for 2018
Applications must be completed, including all necessary information sent to in one PDF file by February 15th.
- A cover page, with the name of the faculty PI, affiliation, name of the graduate student; projected graduation date; title of the project; unit name; and does it require human or animal subjects.
- Significance and cancer prevention relevance (~1/2 page)
- Research Project: A five-page double spaced (12 point font) with 1 in. margins all around with page numbers proposal. Sections of the proposal should include:
- Specific Aims
- Background
- Preliminary Results
- Research plan with proposed methods
- Reference Section
- CV/biosketch of student applicant
- Five page maximum biosketch/vita of faculty member. NIH format acceptable, must include funding with current, within last 5 years, and pending
- Letter of recommendation/nomination by faculty member
Optional: The applicant may be required to participate in an interview with the admissions committee if needed to finalize decisions.
The level of the stipend varies by college.
Program Requirements
- Yearlong research in mentors laboratory
- Register for and attend CPIP 1 credit course Fall and Spring on Thursdays 4:30-5:20
- Participate in all program meetings (generally 2/semester evening meetings)
- Participate in 1 or 2/semester poster sessions/retreats
- Participate in pre, mid and post evaluation, written and focus groups
- Participate in the planning and implementation of service learning/volunteer events with all CPIP students
Contact CPIP
To contact CPIP, please e-mail