If You Are Selected...
- Meet with your research mentor immediately to set up a research schedule and to have your Learning Contract signed. (Contracts are sent directly to faculty with the applications.) You must return your Learning Contract to the CPIP staff.
- There will be an orientation scheduled for all students in late April.
- All participating CPIPs are required to participate in a one credit seminar series, NUTR590 in the fall and spring semesters that is scheduled for Thurs 4:30-5:20. You must register for this course with your academic advisor. If there is an unavoidable conflict, you must still register for the course and complete summaries of each class session.
- Many students also receive undergraduate research credits during the academic year. Undergraduate research credits must be arranged through your research mentor’s hosting department and noted on your Learning Contract. One credit of undergraduate research credit may be awarded for every 3 hours of research work you do for your mentor (to a maximum of 4 credits per semester). YOU MUST REGISTER FOR THESE CREDITS THROUGH YOUR ACADEMIC ADVISOR AND YOUR FACULTY RESEARCHER.
- All CPIP students are required to complete a survey assessing their experience as a Discovery Park intern before and at intervals during the 12 months. You should expect to spend about .5-1.5 hours for these evaluations at the beginning of the program and at the end of each semester.
Contact CPIP
To contact CPIP, please e-mail CPIP@purdue.edu