Frequently Asked Questions


How often is the website updated?

On average, monthly

* Working with VHRU

What is the time commitment for students wishing to participate in research projects with the VHRU?

Between two and 20 hours per week depending on your role in the Unit. See section titled “Structure” for details on the time commitment required for each position in the Unit.

How can a hospitality and tourism management student at Purdue register for the course HTM 39001 Undergraduate Research in Hospitality and Tourism Management (Visitor Harassment Research)?

Students wishing to register for the above course should make their interest known, via email, to Dr. Annmarie Nicely as only a small number of students can work with the Unit at any one time. Once approval is received from Dr. Nicely, students should see their academic advisor to register for the course.  The deadline to register for HTM 39001 (VH Research) is the end of the first week of each semester. Dr. Nicely's email address is

Is it possible for a Purdue student to engage in research activities with VHRU during the summer semester?

Yes! VHRU does accept students for research during the summer semester. 

Hospitality & Tourism Management, 900 W. State Street, West Lafayette, IN 47907, PH:(765) 494-4643, Fax: (765) 494-0327

2020 Purdue University | An equal access/equal opportunity university | Copyright Complaints | Maintained by Hospitality & Tourism Management

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