Structure of Visitor Harassment Research Unit


Lead Researcher

Coordinator of research activities in the Unit, manager of the Unit’s website and one of the researchers participating in research projects in the Unit.

Senior Researcher

Scholars from a variety of fields leading, guiding or participating in one or more research projects in the Unit.

Graduate Research Assistant (GRA)

A student with a graduate research assistantship and assigned to work with the lead researcher in the Unit. The time commitment for a ¼ time GRA in the Unit is on average 10 hours per week and for a ½ time GRA 20 hours per week. GRAs in the fall semester would typically commence work one week prior to the start of classes in the fall until December 31st of that semester. Meanwhile, during the spring semester GRAs would typically commence work the first week of January until the second week of May of that semester.

Graduate Research Student (GRS)

This is a graduate student who engages in research in the Unit for academic credit, for example students enrolled in the three-credit independent study graduate course HTM 59000 Problems in Hospitality and Tourism.  The minimum time commitment for three credits is 80 hours (or 5 contact and non-contact hours per week for 16 weeks).

Undergraduate Research Student (URS)

This is an undergraduate student who engages in visitor harassment research for a minimum of three academic credits. This student typically participates in ongoing research projects as well as in administrative functions in the Unit. As a result, students registered for the three-credit course HTM 39001 Undergraduate Research in Hospitality and Tourism Management (Visitor Harassment Research) would be classified as Undergraduate Research Students in the Unit. The minimum time commitment for this course is 80 hours for the semester (or 5 contact and non-contact hours per week for 16 weeks). However, students may be asked to work more hours as research project demands.

Research Aide (RAide)

This is a graduate or undergraduate student who works with the Unit for less than 80 hours for the semester either for one academic credit or as a volunteer. The minimum time commitment for research aides, for them to be recognized as such, is 30 hours for the semester (or 2 hours per week for 15 weeks). However, research aides may work more hours as research projects demand.

*Unit means the Visitor Harassment Research Unit at Purdue.

Hospitality & Tourism Management, 900 W. State Street, West Lafayette, IN 47907, PH:(765) 494-4643, Fax: (765) 494-0327

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