
Women's Health Symposium on December 8th, 2021, at Purdue University
Purdue graduate students with focus on Women’s Health had a chance to present their research at the Women's Health Symposium. Gianna Nossa presented her research on postpartum depression, Antonia Susnjar presented MRS methodology that can be used in Women’s health for mental health awareness or breast cancer diagnosis, Humberto Monsivais presented his research on quantifying metals in the brain, and Apekysha Chetri presented her research on diffusion tensor imaging in breast cancer.

6th International Symposium on Advanced MRS and GABA and EDITINGSCHOOL took place in Playa de Carmen, Mexico on November 15-21.
While our PAMR representatives had fun snorkeling and enjoying warm weather, they also attended EDITINGSCHOOL which is a 3-day course (Nov 15-18) exclusively dedicated to edited MRS. The short course covered MRS theory, theory of editing, editable metabolites, analysis software, quantification, and practical tips on acquisition and data review. During 6th International Symposium (Nov 18-21) on Advanced MRS and GABA, Dr. Ulrike Dydak with her students Humberto Monsivais (Medical Physics), Antonia Susnjar (Biomedical Engineering), and Gianna Nossa (Health Sciences) presented their advanced MRS studies of GABA to a broad audience with a common interest in the methodology.

Art of Research Exhibition, Anatomy and Physiology, 1st place Anatomy and Physiology September 24th, 2021
The image depicts a 3D representation of white matter tracts connectivity in the human brain. The image was acquired with Diffusion Tensor Imaging, an advanced MRI technique used to assess complexity of the brain networks and dynamic changes caused by the range of neurological diseases or disorders. The technique described is used to monitor treatment responses for clinically diagnosed PTSD military veterans. In medical practice, DTI is used to detect brain damage caused by the ischemic stroke, seizures brain tumors, and multiple sclerosis.

The MR SCIENCE Laboratory organized 4th Annual INSPECTOR MRS Workshop that included over 100 registered participants over a broad geographic spread. We enjoyed a multitude of talks on topics covering the methodological through the clinical and beyond to the meta-analytic; from single-voxel through chemical shift imaging; single- and double-edited for challenging metabolites; in tissues from brain to pancreas in both mouse and human; and across several conditions of health and disease.

ISMRM & SMRT Meeting and Exhibition – An Online Experience, May 15-20, 2021
Humberto Monsivais presented his work on evaluating the sensitivity and specificity on MRI markers of excess Mn brain deposition. Due to Covid restrictions, this conference was virtual, and Humberto got a chance to attend multiple workshops related to his research and learn more about the quantitative MRI (qMRI) field.

Health & Disease Symposium: Science, Technology, and Policy Research, March 5th, 2020 at Purdue University.
Antonia Susnjar presented the research lead by Dr. Uzay Emir. The topic of the poster presentation was Evaluation of Density Weighted Concentric Rings k-space trajectory sampling in Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopic Imaging on 3T scanners.