Andrea Mattingly: How the CHL discovered cancer during a routine screening

Andrea MattinglyFor Andrea Mattingly, director of marketing and communications for Purdue’s Student Success Programs unit, her annual physical at the Center for Healthy Living (CHL) in 2021 had an unexpected but tremendous impact on her personal health.

Andrea shared that prior to Purdue’s Healthy Boiler Wellness Program and the opportunity to earn incentives, she did not have a primary care physician. As a young and healthy individual, she had not made annual checkups a priority or regular part of her wellness routine.


“In June of 2021, I went to see NP Kimberly Porter at the Center for Healthy Living for a routine annual physical and biometric screening,” Andrea shared. “At that appointment, Kim noticed a palpable lump on my thyroid and referred me to have an ultrasound, which led to a follow-up biopsy. The biopsy came back as abnormal, and Kim referred me to a specialist who diagnosed me with papillary thyroid cancer.”

As Andrea noted, no one wants to receive such a diagnosis. However, the fact that the cancer was detected early made a profound difference in her treatment.

“I shudder to think how long my cancer might have gone undetected, or how much it might have spread or what other interventions I may have needed down the road if it weren’t for this program and Kim’s thorough care,” Andrea said. “The surgeon who performed my partial thyroidectomy told me several times how lucky I was to have found it early. I owe that to Purdue for implementing these wellness initiatives and to Kim for bringing my attention to something that could have become so much worse.”

In November of 2021, Andrea had the second half of her thyroid removed due to the disease progression. She has continued to have annual wellness visits at the CHL and has had no recurrences of cancer since her completion surgery in November of 2021.

“Facing thyroid cancer was a wake-up call that transformed my view on health,” Andrea added. “It’s not just about treating illness, but about nurturing a lifestyle that prioritizes well-being every day. I’ve shifted my focus to balanced nutrition, regular exercise and mental health, realizing these are essential to a thriving life. I also believe it’s crucial for everyone to listen to their bodies and make preventive care a cornerstone of their lives. I hope my story inspires others to view health not as a destination but as a continuous journey and an act of self-love.”