Speaker Resources
Preparing Your Presentation
When preparing your presentation, please note that your session is PDH/CEU eligible. The presentation must include technical content to benefit those in attendance.
As a reminder, our most successful sessions are the ones where there is balance between presentation and audience engagement. We suggest that you allow for 10 minutes at the end of your session for questions and answers.
Standard (4:3) is the optimal size for your PowerPoint slide presentation.
Please stop by the e-pubs archival table and/or registration desk to have a copy of your session presentation(s) added to the LTAP archives at Purdue University. See additional information on archival below.
Archiving Your Presentation
We archive conference presentations with authors’ permission in the Purdue Library open access repository called Purdue e-Pubs. https://docs.lib.purdue.edu/stormwater/
You may upload your presentation and fill out the authorization form in advance of the conference by following this link to Purdue e-Pubs. Your uploaded presentation will not be accessible during the conference. They become available shortly after the conference.
Audio-Visual Accommodations
Sessions Located in Purdue Memorial Union, Ballrooms (PMU)
The North and South Ballroom will be equipped with either rear projection screens or large format televisions to facilitate PowerPoint or other visual elements of your session. A lectern with microphone will be available for use by any speaker and/or moderator. A wireless lavalier microphone will be provided to all speakers in this space unless the session includes more than 1 presenter. Sessions with more than 1 presenter may be provided wireless handheld microphones depending on the number of presenters for a given session. A confidence monitor will be provided on the stage and a PowerPoint slide advancer will be available for your use while delivering your remarks.
Conference organizers will have an audio-visual staff member available to support your session. Please do not plan to present your presentation from your own laptop or PC in this venue as it can result in technology challenges.
Please submit your presentation in advance of the conference date(s) to Robert Ooms, rooms@purdue.edu and bring a copy of your presentation on a USB Flash Drive.
Sessions Located in Stewart Center (STEW)
Every room is equipped with a standard audio-visual package that includes a computer with internet access, LCD projector, microphone, and lectern to assist with your presentation.
Conference organizers recommend all speakers use the in room PC to avoid technology challenges. If a speaker would like to run their presentation from their own laptop, please remember to bring all necessary adapters. Standard HDMI hookup will be provided.
Please submit your presentation in advance of the conference date(s) to Robert Ooms, rooms@purdue.edu and bring a copy of your presentation on a USB Flash Drive.
Speaker Parking Information
- All attendees are instructed to use the Grant Street Parking Garage located at 120 N. Grant Street, West Lafayette, IN 47906 across from the Purdue Memorial Union (PMU).
- Pull a ticket to enter the garage and keep this ticket as it is required for exit.
- Speaker, moderator, and exhibitors will be provided a Grant Street Parking Garage permit. No purchase required. Validations can be collected at the conference registration desk.
- Motorists should pull forward into a parking space with the vehicle's license plate facing the drive lane for enforcement purposes. Individuals who back into a parking space or do not have the license plate visible are subject to receiving a citation.
Speaker Biography Information
Please submit your response to the Speaker biography information survey no later than 2 weeks prior to the scheduled conference start date.