Rainbow Callout 2024

Rainbow Callout is a welcome event hosted by the LGBTQ Center for new and returning LGBTQIA+ and ally students, staff, and faculty. Attendees can connect with over 100 on- and off-campus departments and organizations, find supportive resources, and enjoy a live drag show!
Tuesday, September 10th | 6:00-8:00pm | Gold & Black Gyms

If your office, department, campus organization, or community resource is interested in hosting a resource table at Rainbow Callout, registration is now open!
Rainbow Callout is a welcome event hosted by the LGBTQ Center for new and returning LGBTQIA+ and ally students, staff, and faculty. Attendees can connect with over 100 on- and off-campus departments and organizations, find supportive resources, and enjoy the live drag show. Click here to complete the table registration form!
The deadline to register is Friday, August 23rd, 2024, at 11:59pm.
Who can host a table?
Purdue departments, offices, and student organizations, as well as organizations from the Greater Lafayette area can host a table at Rainbow Callout.
Who attends Rainbow Callout?
New and returning students, staff, faculty, and community members attend Rainbow Callout. All are welcome!
What is provided to organizations that register to host a table?
A table and a chair will be provided for each organization. Registrants will be required to share a table with another organization in order to maximize space.