President Daniels announces 8th year of frozen tuition and two staff appreciation measures

February 18, 2019

Dear Boilermakers,

I want you to be the first to know that I am announcing at this afternoon's University Senate meeting three pieces of significant news: First, that tuition will remain steady for an eighth consecutive year on our campus, through the 2020-21 academic year. Second, that in addition to a 2.5 percent merit raise pool for all West Lafayette faculty and staff this year, all staff on our campus making $75,000 or less will receive a one-time $500 appreciation payment this spring.  

In addition, I intend to seek Board of Trustees approval in the coming weeks for a fifth year of expanded winter break in 2019, so that our employees may spend extra time with family and loved ones during the holiday season. (Winter recess on December 27, 30 and 31, in addition to the regular university holiday schedule.)

Holding the line on tuition for our students and their families is the right thing to do, so long as it doesn't negatively affect our central mission of research and education or our ability to compensate our staff fairly. We appreciate everything our staff has done to help make our affordability policies a reality, and hope that this modest gesture will serve as an indication of our gratitude.

You can read more about this announcement here.


Mitchell E. Daniels, Jr.