Statement from President Daniels on the passing of Senator Richard Lugar

April 28, 2019

"Words are hard to come by right now.  Dick Lugar was not just the finest public servant I will ever know, he was the finest person.  He embodied all we can hope for in our leaders: brilliance of mind, purity of motive, stainless in character, tireless in the pursuit of duty. Incomparably knowledgeable about the world, he was first and always a patriot, utterly dedicated to the security and wellbeing of his fellow Americans. His voice is now silent, but he is still with us.  Indianapolis is a thriving and vibrant city because of him.  The world is safer from nuclear danger because of him.  And so many of us, while falling far short of the standards he set, are vastly better people because of him."

Note: Mitch Daniels worked with directly for Richard Lugar for 14 years, first during his mayoralty and then as Senator, more than a decade of that as his chief of staff.