The Many Ways to Align with Steps to Leaps

August 22 

The Many Ways to Align with Steps to Leaps 

This year, we will be highlighting departments, programs and people that have leveraged the Steps to Leaps language and pillars to support students. They see the true purpose of Steps to Leaps, to align the work that we are doing in a way that is recognizable to students. The initiative helps students find the resources they are looking for and make connections between a program on one side of campus and the departmental resources on the other.

An example of a list of Well-Being and Mental Health Resources on a website.

Project Bloom in the College of Engineering is a project that was started through a collaboration with the Student Mental Health Coalition, composed of leaders of engineering organizations and coordinated through Purdue Engineering Student Council (PESC). Their work to educate students about mental health and well-being connects with the pillars and purpose of Steps to Leaps. While their work is done independently of other programs across the university, they actively connect students with well-being resources across campus. As seen on their website,, a simple link to Steps to Leaps and other local resources can be instrumental in helping Purdue students connect the many resources available across campus for their mental health and well-being.

Another example is how well-being is presented in Recreation & Wellness. Their website,, weaves together the many programs they offer into a cogent message about well-being. If you scroll to the bottom, you will find the Steps to Leaps branding showing students that what they are learning is connected with the other well-being programs they are participating in across campus.

Example of Recreation and Wellness utilizing the Steps to Leaps branding.
The ways Recreation & Wellness is using the Steps to Leaps branding highlights a new opportunity for the upcoming year. Student Life Marketing will help aggregate social media messages that use the hashtag #PurdueStepstoLeaps to tie programs and resources together and help communicate these amazing opportunities for students. We encourage you to think about how you are tying together the programs you offer with Steps to Leaps and use the hashtag to amplify your message on social media.