“What do students need to know, believe, be able to do, and engage in to be effective leaders in college, in their careers, and in society?” (Seemiller, 2014, p. xv)
Dr. Corey Seemiller developed a list of 60 student leadership competencies by analyzing the learning outcomes of all 522 accredited academic programs in higher education. The 4 Purdue Leadership & Professional Development Competencies each with 5 identified skills were determined with input from students, faculty, staff, alumni, and employers based on Dr. Seemiller's work. The four domains are based on the Purdue's Core Curriculum Embedded Outcomes.
The LEAD competencies serve as the campus wide framework for undergraduate student leadership & professional development. LEAD is currently working to map the competencies to campus experiences, including courses, activities, programs, and employment. Check our online database of these experiences and connected competencies.
Seemiller, C. (2014). The student leadership competencies guidebook: Designing intentional leadership learning and development. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.