Curricular Practical Training

The Student Exchange Visitor Program (SEVP) defines Curricular Practical Training (CPT) as an alternative study, internship, cooperative education, or other type of required internship or practicum that is offered by a sponsoring employer through a U.S. College or University.  

CPT is only available for current F-1 students when it is part of the student's established curriculum within their program of study. CPT must be integral to the student's primary major program of study. It cannot be authorized for work related to a student's minor, certificate program, previous or future major.

CPT is not intended for general, ongoing work authorization, or as a bridge to employment after graduation. True volunteer work (i.e., at a food bank or animal shelter) does not require CPT. However, any internship or externship, whether it is paid or unpaid, requires CPT authorization prior to participation.

If authorized, CPT is granted for specific dates, a specific employer, and a specific location. Any practical training or employment that begins prior to the authorized start date or occurs after the authorized end date is considered unauthorized employment and will result in the loss of your legal status inside the US. This include “volunteering” and participating in orientation, training, or welcome sessions with a prospective employer. ISS requires 10 business days to process a CPT request, so please plan accordingly.

All international students enrolled at Purdue University are required to comply with the mandatory health insurance policy, including students participating in full- or part-time Curricular Practical Training.

 Source: [8 CFR 214.2(f)(10)(i)]