Cultural Lessons, Lectures, Demonstrations and More
A message from the Director
The Black Cultural Center is delighted to introduce our culturally based creative offerings for schools, community groups, and youth. Our objective is to provide access to quality arts and cultural activities with a special focus on the African American experience. The workshops are between 30-45 minutes and taught by BCC staff and Purdue students. Each session is designed to be culturally significant and provide a “hand- on” activity for participants.
Please contact the Purdue BCC to book your cultural experience.
Dr. Anne M. Edwards

The Patchwork Quilt for Children
Children learn the history of the patchwork quilt and the Underground RailRoad. They create their own quilt patch.
Spirituals are a tradition in Black History, rooted deep from the fields of slavery. Listen to spiritual songs and sing songs based on that history.

African Drumming
Youth will learn how to play traditional African drum music using the Djembe drum. This beat, rhythmic class will also explore the history of one of West Africa’s best known instruments.
Harvest Dance
The ceremonial African Harvest Dance traditionally performed to celebrate a good harvest. Dancers will use their bodies to tell the Harvest.

Guided Facility Tours
Enjoy a guided facility tour of the BCC and learn the symbolism of the architecture design. The Middle Passage, Civil Rights Movement and Black Lives Matter is represented in the art work on exhibition.