Performing Arts Ensembles

Join the Ensembles
Providing cultural education through the arts is the principal objective of the Black Cultural Center’s performing arts ensembles. The BCC has institutionalized a curriculum-based programming model that provides a balance between performing (dance, theater, music, and creative expression) and learning about the social, political and historical bases of artistic traditions in African diaspora cultures. Professional artists-in-residence provide master-class instruction and prepare students for local and regional performance engagements. Students of diverse ethnicities and cultures join the ensembles and experience a supportive environment.

Book a Performance
The Performing Arts Ensembles are sponsored by the Black Cultural Center. They are available for concert appearances for schools, churches and civic organizations. A performance fee is required to cover expenses. Persons interested in engaging the Black Cultural Center's Performing Arts Ensembles are encouraged to solidify arrangements at least three months in advance. As a reminder, the ensembles are available in October, November, February and March. For more details, please see the ensemble rates and information.