Negotiation Activities

bullet Create an Activity

To create a new Negotiation Activity, first click the "New" button. Then complete the following Fields:

Activity Type Activity Types are selected from a drop down box. This field is used to indicate the type of action that the current entry describes. For available types, see: Activity Types
Activity Date This date is editable in the event that activity is entered after the fact. This should be the date that the activity took place.
OSP Only A check box indicating that this particular comment should only be visible to SPS staff with rights to modify negotiations. This should never be checked! Note that it defaults to checked on new entries. If you do not remember to uncheck it before closing the window, you can do so afterwards without re-opening the activity comment.
Create Date This date is system generated as to the date that the activity was first entered.
Last Update This date is system generated as to the date that the activity was last edited.
Followup Date This date is editable. It is intended for a tickler/reminder to follow up on a significant action. In the future, SPS will be able to run a report with any activities marked with a followup date.
Last Update By System Generated with user name of the last editor of specific activity.
Description A free text comment box with 2000 character maximum length. Only the first 180 characters will appear on reports. The entire comment will remain viewable in Coeus. Note that the system requires something be typed in this box.

bullet Modify an Activity

Certain Users have access to edit an existing Negotiation Activity.

1. Click on the Activity to edit

2. Click the "Modify" button

3. Edit any necessary fields and click Ok

4. Save the record

Purdue University, 610 Purdue Mall, West Lafayette, IN 47907, (765) 494-4600

2014 Purdue University | An equal access/equal opportunity university | Copyright Complaints | Maintained by Sponsored Program Services

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