Negotiations Display Only
There are many reasons and benefits to using the Negotiation module as a reference point. Users may now see the activity progression of a project contract, award or prior approval processing. The Negotiation Activities are maintained by SPS Contracting and Post-Award staff an will show the interactions with sponsors, locations during internal routing and when the grant has been established.
To see details of a Negotiation record, highlight the record on the Select Negotiation screen and click on the Display or button. You may also simply double click the listed record to open in Display. The Display Negotiations screen will appear. This screen is a single page quick reference that will have a chronological account of the Negotiations locations and activities.
- Negotiation Admin Guide Home
- Create a Negotiation
- Negotiation Activities
- Negotiation Activity Types
- Negotiation Agreement Types
- Completing a New Negotiation
- Negotiations Display Only
- Searching from Institute Proposal
- Negotiation Email Notification
- Negotiation Records
- Searching from Negotiation Module
- Temp Log: Negotiations