COVID-19 - SPS Resource Page

Sponsored Program Services has compiled and will continue to update the list below of Federal Agency updates and interim guidance for COVID-19 for quick reference by the Purdue research community.  In addition, we have created a quick reference table that provides agency specific guidance on such items as pre-award costs, no-cost extensions, prior approval requirements, progress or financial reports, expenditure of funds for salaries and other program costs, charging of travel expenses due to cancellations, etc.  This is not an exhaustive list but it should help you navigate the enormous quantity of information being released by the Federal Agencies.


On March 19, the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) authorized federal agencies to provide flexibility to institutions, including significant flexibility regarding the allowability of salary and other expenditures to currently active awards. OMB’s authorization permits agencies to allow charging of paid leave to federal award as long as doing so is consistent with the institution’s policy of paying all employees regardless of funding source. The specific authorization is consistent with federal regulations, but critically important now because it specifically authorizes agencies the flexibility to consider an institution’s interim, emergency policies enacted specifically in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

On March 25, Purdue announced that all Purdue faculty and staff would receive pay and benefits through at least June 30. Purdue will continue to communicate regarding this broad assurance, including the various types of work arrangements and leave codes available to faculty and staff. Purdue’s interim policy is sufficient to permit researchers who are supported by federal agencies to continue to charge salary (including paid leave) to their sponsored program awards unless their sponsoring agency or program manager specifically issues guidance to the contrary. We further direct this same approach with non-federal sponsored research.





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