Government Shutdown Guidance
(For information only)
The Executive Vice President for Research and Partnerships Office and Sponsored Program Services have developed this page to provide the most up-to-date information and guidance on what a U.S. government shutdown would mean for your research activity. Here are some frequently asked questions and their answers:
How would a shutdown impact the agencies I work with?
Each agency may handle the shutdown and determine essential personnel differently. It is important that principal investigators continue to work until they receive specific information or instructions from their program officers. You can read about how every agency operates in a shutdown by looking at the agency contingency plans on the White House Office of Management and Budget website:
Would a shutdown delay deadlines for a grant proposal?
Maybe; we simply do not know. In the event of a shutdown, it is important that principal investigators continue to prepare and work with Pre-Award on your proposals and proceed as if there will be no change in grant submission deadlines. It is possible that some government systems may not be working during the shutdown. For example, the National Science Foundation announced during a recent shutdown that FastLane, its web-based grants management system, was to be closed during the shutdown. The best thing investigators can do is to continue to work on proposals and have them ready so that Pre-Award can process them according to the most up-to-date guidelines given by each specific agency once the shutdown is over.
Should researchers continue to work on their federal contracts and grants?
Yes, researchers should continue to work on their grants and contracts unless their agency or program officer advises them otherwise. Faculty should keep in close touch with their Post-Award administrator and check this page for the latest information.
What have you heard from specific agencies so far?
Sponsored Program Services will provide information below as it is received from various agencies: