Voluntary Support Contacts
If you have questions as you prepare documents related to Voluntary Support, your initial point of contact is the business manager for your area.
If further assistance is required, please contact one of the following individuals.
Non-SPS Voluntary Support:
Josh Sterrett, Gift Accountant, 49312 or jesterre@purdue.edu
SPS Voluntary Support:
Operations Team, 41055 or volsupp@purdue.edu
Stacy Brown, Accounting Endowment and Investments Assistant, 45079 or stacybrown@purdue.edu
Gift Processing:
Mary Seyfried, Director of Donor Services, 40290 or mseyfried@purdue.edu
Josh Sterrett, Gift Accountant, 49312 or jesterre@purdue.edu
Mary Seyfried, Director of Donor Services, 40290 or mseyfried@purdue.edu
Donor-submitted Tax Forms:
Josh Sterrett, Gift Accountant, 49312 or jesterre@purdue.edu
Technical Issues:
Stephanie Willis, Assistant Director, 49874 swillis@purdue.edu