Pre-Award Roles and Responsibility Matrix

Dept Head
& Center
DeansBusiness OfficeSPS Pre-Award Services
Proposal Preparation
Assist BO and/or Investigators with proposal preparation x
Review sponsor guidelines x x x

Prepare the technical portion of the proposal

x x
Prepare COEUS budget and ensure proper costing x
Confirm COEUS budget matches sponsor budget and justification x
Prepare forms for cost sharing if applicable x
Document unlike circumstances x
Answer Yes/No Questions x
Provide contacts/info re Subcontractors & Collaborators x
Ensure Subcontract statements of work, budget, and budget justification are received and they are approved by the PI x x
Verify COEUS record is complete x x
Prepare Current & Pending Reports x
Initiate Cost Share Approvals x
Ensures all Cost Share Approvals are obtained x x
Route proposal for academic approvals x
Approve Proposal x x x x
Provide Institutional Authority on Proposal & Submit Proposals on Behalf of Purdue x
Ensure sponsor guidelines are followed for proposal formatting and submission requirements x x
Ensure proper PI/CO-I and academic signatures are obtained x x

Obtain subcontractor institutional approval


Verify availability of resources such as equipment/facilities

x x x

Ensure conflict of interest managed/identified

x x
Certify academic soundness x
Verify project is compatible with PI’s other commitments x
Verify credit split distribution is appropriate x x
Approve cost sharing commitments x x
Verify project adheres to related college/unit or department/center missions (academic/research goals) x x
Review Current & Pending for accuracy x x
Ensure compliance with applicable laws, regulations, University rules, and sponsor guidelines x

* Please check with your department processes. Some Business Offices complete these steps. Sponsor Guidelines should be reviewed by every business office at the time of award.

Purdue University, 610 Purdue Mall, West Lafayette, IN 47907, (765) 494-4600

2014 Purdue University | An equal access/equal opportunity university | Copyright Complaints | Maintained by Sponsored Program Services

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