Faculty & Principal Investigator Offboarding
Please review the questions below and the checklist to help guide you through the many issues to consider when transferring from Purdue to your new institution.
Do you have an active sponsored research project(s)?If yes, see the Awards section in the checklist.
Do you have any undisclosed Intellectual Property associated with your employment at Purdue?If yes, see the Intellectual Property section in the checklist.
Do you have any Materials, Data or Equipment that you want to transfer to another institution?If yes, see the Research Materials, Data and Equipment section in the checklist.
Do you have a managed Conflict of Interest or active Financial Conflict of Interest Management Plans?If yes, see the COI section in the checklist.
Do you have any open regulatory protocols either on your sponsored project(s) or for your departmental research?If yes, see the Regulatory Actions section in the checklist.
Do you have an active laboratory that will require decommissioning?If yes, see the Laboratory Decommissioning section in the checklist.
Do you have an open technology control plan?If yes, see the Export Control section in the checklist.
Were you paid on a sponsored program account or federally appropriated funds during the last semester that will require you to certify your effort on a Personnel Activity Report (PAR)?If yes, see the Compliance section in the checklist.
Do you have any open discretionary funding or departmental allocations that need to be transferred or closed before your departure?If yes, see the Finance section in the checklist.
Do you have any open questions that you would like to discuss before your departure?If yes, contact your departmental business office.
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- What is F&A?
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- Where can I find my account balance?
- How can I approve a subcontract payment?
- Regulatory Compliance
- Closing my Grant
- Faculty Resources - Office of Research
- Internal Controls, Roles and Responsibilities, Direct Costs and F&A
- Faculty & Principal Investigator Offboarding