Research Fellow

Kelly Schwind Wilson
Professor, School of Business
Research Fellow, Susan Bulkeley Butler Center for Leadership Excellence
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Kelly Schwind Wilson is a Professor in the School of Business at Purdue University. She received her Ph.D. in Business Administration from the Eli Broad College of Business at Michigan State University and her B.A. in Psychology and Communication Studies from the University of Michigan. Professor Wilson teaches leadership and organizational behavior courses at both the undergraduate and graduate levels. Her research focuses on two main areas including the work-nonwork interface and leadership, with an emphasis on how work and nonwork interpersonal relationships influence and are influenced by employees’ different roles and resources.
Professor Wilson's research has been published in various leading journals including the Academy of Management Journal, Academy of Management Review, Journal of Applied Psychology and Personnel Psychology. Among other awards, Professor Wilson was the recipient of the 2011 John and Mary Willis Young Faculty Scholar Award, a 2017-2018 Krannert Faculty Fellow Scholar Award, a 2020-2025 University Faculty Scholar Award, and the 2022 Poets & Quants Top 50 Undergraduate Business Professor recognition.
"The Butler Center’s commitment to enhancing the leadership skills and well-being of women in academia, clearly aligns with my passions for studying how employees manage their work and nonwork roles, as well as researching and teaching leadership and interpersonal skills. I’m honored to be able to help manage and plan the Center’s research programs and workshops, and to disseminate knowledge and recommendations on how to succeed in work and life with faculty throughout the university."