Expectations for authorship for facility personnel will be discussed with initial facility contact. While authorship is not required and will often be inappropriate for facility personnel providing research input to the project, if there is intellectual and/or organizational effort of facility personnel to the work described in the manuscript, authorship is warranted and expected. For example, expert data analysis from facility personnel that is required in support of claims in a manuscript or patent warrants authorship. It will be made clear to investigators utilizing the facility that the recovery of facility expenses through the facility cost recovery system does not exclude the possibility for authorship for facility research personnel. Similarly, authorship does not substitute for payment of facility expenses for services rendered.
In publications that describe research that took place at the facility, authors will be required to include a statement acknowledging the use of the facility and the Bindley Bioscience Center: "The author(s) acknowledge the use of the facilities of the Bindley Bioscience Center, a core facility of the NIH-funded Indiana Clinical and Translational Sciences Institute."
Cancer Center members using the Flow Cytometry Core Facility are required to acknowledge the core specifically, as it is supported by the Cancer Center support grant.