Exploratory Studies Explore. Discover. Decide

Frequently Asked Questions about Academic Notice

Students are placed on Academic Notice if their semester GPA or cumulative GPA is lower than a 2.0 at the end of any fall or spring semester.

Academic Notice is meant to give students a warning that their GPA is too low as well as a full Fall or Spring semester to raise their GPA. A 2.0 cumulative GPA is required to graduate from Purdue (some degrees require higher GPAs), which is why the GPA for Academic Notice is set at that level.

Most Purdue colleges and schools will not allow students to CODO-in if they are on Academic Notice. This can delay a student’s academic progress and graduation date.

Finally, Academic Notice status puts students in danger of being Academically Separated (formerly "dismissed") from Purdue.  Students can be Academically Separated if, at the end of their Academic Notice semester they earn less than 2.0 for BOTH their semester and cumulative GPAs. 

During a student's Academic Notice semester, their Exploratory Studies Academic Advisor will help them examine the factors that contributed to their low GPA, strategize how to raise it, and recommend academic success resources. 

For more information, see Academic Notice at Purdue University

Purdue Policy on Academic Regulations states that students already on Academic Notice status will be Academically Separated (formerly "dismissed") from Purdue if BOTH their semester GPA AND their cumulative GPAs are below 2.0 at the end of a fall or spring semester. 

In order to come off of Academic Notice and return to Good Academic Standing, students need to earn a semester GPA equal to or greater than 2.0 AND raise their cumulative GPA to equal to or greater than 2.0.

Students on Academic Notice will remain in that status for another semester if only ONE of their semester or cumulative GPA is below a 2.0 (and the other is at or above a 2.0).

Students on Academic Separation status from the University for the first time are not eligible to apply for readmission for at least one Fall or Spring semester. Generally, students must complete at least 12 credit hours of coursework at another university with grades of C- or higher in all classes as a basic consideration for readmission. However, keep in mind that readmission is not guaranteed even if students complete these basic requirements. Readmission applications are reviewed on a case-by-case basis and readmission requirements will vary by Purdue colleges and schools. For more details information, visit Purdue Readmission after Academic Separation.

Students who gain readmission are readmitted on Academic Notice status and need to earn at least a 2.0 (semester) GPA the semester they return to remain at Purdue.

Not necessarily. Students can remain in Academic Notice status for multiple semesters without being academically separated if EITHER their semester or cumulative GPA is equal to or greater than 2.0. 

A student in Academic Notice status will be academically separated from the University at the close of any Fall or Spring semester in which their semester AND cumulative GPA are less than a 2.0.

You cannot be placed on - or removed from - Academic Notice status due to Summer or Winter session semester grades.  

However, while grades from Summer and Winter classes can't immediately remove students from (or place them on) Academic Notice status, these grades DO affect their cumulative GPA.  In combination with their Fall semester grades (or Spring), this can help them get back into Good Academic Standing (or onto Academic Notice/Separation status) quicker!

Students are encouraged to check their academic transcripts at the end of each semester to make sure grades were reported correctly AND that any grade replacements happened as expected. Transcripts are updated on "grade day" and can be viewed at MyPurdue home page > Transcript & Grades card > View Unofficial Transcript link.  

Faculty are responsible for assigning grades and, except for unusual circumstances, grades given are final. If students have any questions regarding a grade, they should contact their instructor before final grades post or immediately after, to resolve the grade disagreement. 

Students who wish to appeal a final grade should follow the grade appeal process which must occur within a 30-day timeframe.

Any grade change due to a reporting error or appeal will result in a recalculation of the GPA and determination of Academic Notice status. Remember, your academic standing is assessed at the end of Fall and Spring semesters only (though summer and winter grades do impact cumulative GPAs).

Students come to Exploratory Studies and Purdue University in order to find out what major is right for them, earn their degree, and move on. No one wants to be placed on Academic Notice status or be Academically Separated from Purdue! We in Exploratory Studies want all of our students to be successful, so we designed the Laying Tracks Program to help students improve their academic performance and to get back into Good Academic standing.

Students may choose to withdraw from one course or all courses by contacting their Academic Advisor.  These decisions may impact your academic standing and potential of being academically separated from the university, so be sure to work with your academic advisor when making these decisions. 

The Drop/Add Deadlines Calendar for the current term details the dates and processes for withdrawing from one or more courses. In the Fall and Spring semesters, courses can be dropped by the end of the 2nd week of classes without the course appearing on your transcript. In the Summer semester, the final course drop date depends on the length of the course (4-week, 6-week, 8-week, or 12-week) and the starting date of the course (May, June, or July).

To withdraw from classes with a grade of "W" during the semester, contact your Academic Advisor for the deadline, procedure, and necessary approval.

To withdraw from all their courses, students should follow this process on this page: University Withdrawal Procedure. Students who are withdrawing from all Summer semester and Winter session courses also need to follow this procedure (even if just one course is being taken).

Students who wish to withdraw from any or all courses after the deadline will need to file a retroactive appeal. This process is initiated by contacting your Academic Advisor.