Exploratory Studies Explore. Discover. Decide

All Aboard 2025 for Students

All Aboard is the name for Purdue's required summer orientation program for new beginning and transfer students. It is broken into four steps that cover the period between early May and mid-August.

All Aboard Four-Step Process

Step 1: Purdue 101

New students are automatically enrolled in this required, self-led virtual module in our Brightspace course management system. Here you will learn about campus resources and Purdue’s course planning and advising process.

Step 2: Purdue Advising

Once Step 1 is complete, students will receive an e-mail from their Exploratory Studies academic advisor with information to schedule their first advising appointment. During this meeting, advisors will get to know each student, discuss majors of interest, and create a unique list of classes to help meet student goals.

Step 3: Purdue 102

This self-led virtual module in Brightspace focuses on resources related to students’ transition to campus and adjusting to college life. Students are asked to complete this before arriving to Purdue.

Step 4: Purdue Welcome

Students may participate in Boiler Gold Rush, a welcome week orientation program for all new undergraduate students taking place the week before classes begin. International students may attend Boiler Gold Rush International, which overlaps with BGR activities, but also includes many other events designed to help international students settle in, make friends, and become involved on campus. Other Purdue Welcome activities students may be participating in include Band Camp, Purdue Musical Organizations Welcome, Span Plan Non-Traditional Student Welcome, and more.

Important All Aboard dates and deadlines

Summer beginners

Note: Summer students will register for both their summer AND fall courses during their advising meeting.

Date Event
May 2 Purdue 101 opens for all new students
May 19
First Purdue advising appointments begin
June 2
Purdue 102 opens for summer beginners
June 9
Purdue 101 deadline for summer beginners
June 23 Last day for initial advising appointments for summer beginners (at 5 pm EDT)
June 26 Summer schedules released by 5 pm EDT. Students will receive an e-mail to their @purdue.edu address. 
July 31 Last day to register for BGR or BGRi
August 1 Purdue 102 deadline for all students

Fall beginners

Date Event
May 2 Purdue 101 opens for all new students
May 19
First Purdue advising appointments begin
June 16 Purdue 101 deadline for fall beginners
June 23 Purdue 102 opens for fall beginners
July 15
Last day for initial advising appointments for fall beginners
July 25 Fall schedules released by 5 pm EDT.  Students will receive an e-mail to their @purdue.edu address.
July 31 Last day to register for BGR or BGRi
August 1 Purdue 102 deadline for all students

Additional Resources for Incoming EXPL students:

Key Information

Key Offices

For more information on the All Aboard orientation process, please visit Purdue Orientation Programs.