
About 11,500 Purdue graduate students are enrolled system-wide. Each degree-seeking graduate student submits a plan of study, takes a final examination (doctoral students also take a preliminary examination), and must meet Office of the Vice Provost for Graduate Students and Postdoctoral Scholars (OGSPS) requirements to receive a degree. The Records staff reviews and approves plans of study and changes to plans of study, oversees the scheduling and reporting of examinations, handles degree audits, and certifies candidates for degrees. The Records staff permanently maintains -- for each graduate student -- a record of key documents. A range of OGSPS forms, ranging from applications for Research in Absentia to Requests for Transfer of Department are handled by Records staff members. In carrying out their responsibilities, Records staff members serve as an important resource for graduate students, faculty, and staff. They also work closely with colleagues in the Office of the Registrar.

Contact Information:

Young Hall, Room 170
155 S. Grant Street
West Lafayette, IN 47907-2114
Phone: (765) 494-2600
Fax: (765) 494-0136

Nicole Moody

Nicole Moody
Director of Graduate Records
(765) 494-2600

Jessica Taylor

Jessica Taylor
Assistant Records Manager
(765) 494-2600

Teresa DeMien

Teresa DeMien
Graduate Records Coordinator
(765) 494-2600

Maira Aponte-Rodriguez

Maira Aponte-Rodriguez
Credentials Analyst
(765) 496-2600

Carla M. Coffey

Carla M. Coffey
Graduate Records Coordinator of Theses & Dissertations
(765) 496-0864

Lisa Williams

Lisa Williams
Coordinator of Online Programs
(765) 494-2607

Kindra Rodgers

Kindra Rodgers
Associate Manager for Indianapolis-Based Programs

Zachary Mahnke

Zachary Mahnke
Credentials Analyst
(765) 494-5120

How to Apply Apply Now Request Information

Ernest C. Young Hall, Room 170 | 155  S. Grant Street, West Lafayette, IN 47907-2114 | 765-494-2600

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