Helpful Information
Below are links to commonly-used campus resources, as well as information that may help you with issues you may be dealing with. Feel free to check these resources out before you request for assistance. If there is a resource/info you think is missing or would be helpful here, please email your suggestion to gradassistance@purdue.edu
- Academic
- Grades
- Grade appeals
- Graduation timeline
- Your timeline for OGSPS depends on your program/department. Try contacting your Graduate Program Coordinator to learn about the typical timeline in your program/department.
- Plagiarism
- Avoiding plagiarism
- Please contact Dr. James (“Jamie”) L. Mohler, for details on iThenticate. Contact information for Dr. Mohler is jlmohler@purdue.edu
- Plan of Study generator
- Probation
- Working in groups
- Admissions
- Advisor Issues
- "An Insider's Guide to Choosing a Graduate Adviser and Research Projects in Laboratory Sciences" by Marshall Lev Dermer
- "Dysfunctional Advisee-Adviser Relationships: Methods for Negotiating Beyond Conflict" by Peter Fiske
- "Finding and Dealing with an Advisor" by Dianne Prost O'Leary
- "Maximizing the Mentoring Potential" by Nick Repak
- Disability Resource Center
- Diversity Resources
- Advocacy and Support Center
- Anti-Harassment policy at Purdue
- Cultural Centers
- Black Cultural Center
- International Center(not a Purdue center)
- Latino Cultural Center
- Native American Cultural Center
- Office of Diversity, Inclusion, and Belonging
- International Students and Scholars
- LGBTQ Resources
- Report hate/bias
- Veteran's Resources
- Women's Resource Office
- Grad Staff
- Benefits
- Graduate Student Employment Manual
- Leave Policies(pg.28)
- Fellowship Students
- Financial/Funding
- Division of Financial Aid
- Emergency Loan Service from the Office of the Dean of Students (students can borrow up to $1,000 for 30 days with no interest)
- Food Assistance Programs
- OGSPS Fellowships
- OGSPS Funding Database
- OGSPS grants and other awards(travel grants, incentive grants, etc)
- Purdue Graduate Student Government grants (travel grants, professional development grants, graduate student organization grants, DEAL Research Grant Competition: look under grants tab)
- Student Employment
- Housing
- Off-campus Housing Office
- Off-campus searches:
- On-Campus options
- Landlord/Lease issues
- Job Search
- Mental Health/Help
- Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS)
- Crisis and On-Call Services at CAPS
- Crisis Support Services from the Office of the Dean of Students (crisis services 24 hours a day for graduate, professional and undergraduate students who may be dealing with a crisis or traumatic event.)
- Self-help at CAPS
- Parking
- Personal
- Responsible Conduct of Research
- Sexual Assault/Harassment Resources
- Sexual Assault (what it is, campus resources, what to do, how to help, safety tips and other resources)
- Sexual Harassment Advisors Network (SHAN)
- Anti-Harassment Policy at Purdue
- Teaching
- Thesis/Dissertation Information
- Writing help
- Office of Graduate Assistance
- Office of Graduate Assistance (OGA)
- Request Assistance
- OGA Staff
- Helpful Information
- Where do I go for…