About iLab at Purdue
iLab is a web based application adopted by Purdue University. iLab allows users of Purdue research cores to search for and reserve equipment, schedule access to instruments, and request services, while allowing the billing for these to be integrated with Purdue’s financial systems.
All core users are invited to use the system, which requires a onetime registration. Once approved, the system will allow you to place service requests, provide required approvals, and track usage.
How to Login:
To use the facilities managed via the iLab system, you will need to establish an account. Sign up or login at using the Purdue user link using your Boilerkey ID to be recognized as an internal user. For a member of a lab to be able to make requests in iLab, the lab's PI must already be a registered user. All Purdue PIs with sponsored funds available are automatically loaded in the iLab system.
- External users who are not eligible for a Purdue Boilerkey ID can sign up via the Not a Purdue user link or login using iLab credentials. If your institution does not already exist as a Purdue’s External Customer , you will need to work with the core to have it added as outlined here .
- If you have any issues with the registration process or working with the core facilities via iLab, please contact ilabhelp@purdue.edu.