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Code of Student Conduct

This is a summary of the University Regulations, which can be found in Section B of the Purdue University Student Regulations Governing Student Conduct, Disciplinary Proceedings, and Appeals .

B. Student Conduct

1. General

Students are expected and required to abide by the laws of the state of Indiana and of the United States and the rules and regulations of Purdue University, to conduct their academic and scholarly pursuits with the highest levels of ethical and honest behavior, to conduct themselves in accordance with accepted standards of social behavior, to respect the rights of others, and to refrain from any conduct that tends to obstruct the work of the University or to be injurious to the welfare of the University. A student who violates these general standards of conduct may be subject to informal actions (as defined in Subsection A(5)).  If the violation falls within one of the categories of conduct listed in Subsection B(2), the student may also be subject to disciplinary sanctions. No disciplinary sanction/decision may be imposed except for conduct covered by one of the categories listed in Subsection B(2). Violations of any anti-harassment or non-discrimination policies promulgated by the Office of the Vice President for Ethics and Compliance, as well as the investigation and resolution of complaints made under those policies, are governed exclusively by the Procedures for Resolving Complaints of Discrimination and Harassment and/or Procedures for Resolving Complaints of Title IX Harassment and not by these regulations.

2. Conduct Subject to Disciplinary Sanctions

The following actions constitute conduct for which students may be subject to informal action or disciplinary sanctions:
  1. Academic Dishonesty/Dishonesty
    Dishonesty in connection with any University activity.  The expectation to uphold the standards of academic integrity and honesty is a responsibility of every member of the University community.  Cheating, plagiarism, including acts of self-plagiarism and multiple submissions, or knowingly furnishing false information to the University are examples of dishonesty.  As recognized by the University Senate, “the commitment of the acts of cheating, lying, stealing, and deceit in any of their diverse forms (such as the use of ghost-written papers, the use of substitutes for taking examinations, the use of illegal cribs, plagiarism, and copying during examinations) is dishonest and must not be tolerated. Moreover, knowingly to aid and abet, directly or indirectly, other parties in committing dishonest acts is in itself dishonest.” (University Senate Document 72-18, December 15, 1972).  Accordingly, the following behaviors will be considered violations of these standards and are subject to disciplinary action as set forth in these procedures.

    1. Cheating:Students are expected to adhere to the guidelines provided by instructors for academic work so that no student gains an unfair advantage. Using or attempting to use unauthorized materials, information, study aids, notes, or any other device in any academic exercise will not be tolerated. Unauthorized materials may include anything which or anyone who gives a student assistance that has not been approved by the instructor in advance.

    2. Plagiarism:Intentionally or knowingly representing the words or ideas of another as one’s own in any academic exercise, without proper attribution. The sole exception of the requirements of acknowledging sources is when the information is considered common knowledge. Plagiarism includes “self-plagiarism”, which is reusing portions of the student’s previously written text and/or assignments, without acknowledgement or proper attribution.

    3. Fabrication:Intentional and/or unauthorized falsification or invention of any information or citation in any academic exercise.  Includes but is not necessarily limited to (A) the changing and/or manipulation of research data, results, processes, or research record; (B) the omission of results from the research record; and (C) the alteration and resubmission of a graded academic exercise.

    4. Multiple Submissions: The submission of substantial portions of the same academic work for credit more than once without authorization from the instructor.

    5. Collusion: Intentionally or knowingly helping or attempting to help another to violate any regulation governing the standards of academic integrity described in these regulations.  Students may only collaborate on academic work within the limits prescribed by the instructor.

  2. Forgery or Fake ID
    Forgery, alteration, or the unauthorized use of any documents, records, or identification.

  3. Disrupting a University Activity
    Obstruction or disruption of any University activity (as defined in Subsection A(5)) or inciting, aiding, or encouraging other persons to engage in such conduct.

  4. Endangerment
    Physical abuse of any person or conduct that threatens or endangers the health or safety of any other person, or an act of intimidation or a threat communicated with the conscious disregard of a substantial and unjustifiable risk that it may cause, or be viewed as threatening, harm to another person, whether or not, in each case, such abuse, conduct, act of intimidation or threat occurs on University property.

  5. Hazing
    Hazing: Any act that endangers the physical and/or mental health or safety of a student or any act or behavior that causes ridicule or humiliation for the purposes of initiation, admission into, or affiliation with, or as a condition for continued membership in, a group or organization, or as part of any activity of a recognized student organization or student group.  Individuals or groups may not consent to these types of prohibited behavior. Individuals will be held accountable for their own actions, and neither citing the activity as a “tradition” nor being coerced by current or former members, alumni, and/or student leaders of such groups or organizations will suffice as a justifiable reason for participation in such activity. -Examples of prohibited behavior under the hazing category include but are not limited to:

    1. Misuse of authority by virtue of one’s leadership position

    2. Assaulting an individual by paddling, beating, striking, or hitting

    3. Preventing an individual from attending class

    4. Requiring another to engage in any form of forced physical activity or exercise

    5. Failing to report any of the foregoing behavior to the appropriate University officials (e.g., the Office of the Dean of Students and/or the Purdue University Police Department) after having firsthand knowledge of the planning of such activities or firsthand knowledge that an incident of this type has occurred.

    The foregoing list of prohibited behaviors under the hazing category is not intended to prohibit the following conduct:

    1. Planning or participating in customary public athletic events, contests, or competitions that are sponsored by the University or the organized and supervised practices associated with such events; or

    2. Planning or participating in any activity or conduct that furthers the goals of a legitimate educational curriculum, a legitimate extracurricular program or a legitimate military training program as defined and approved by the University.

  6. Theft or Property Damage
    Theft or attempted theft of, or the unauthorized use or possession of, or the unauthorized exertion of control over, or causing damage to property of any kind.

  7. Trespassing or Unauthorized Use of Computers
    Unauthorized entry or access to, or unauthorized use or occupancy of, any University property, including without limitation lands, buildings, structures, telecommunications, computer or data processing equipment, programs, systems, software, or other facilities or services connected with a University activity.

  8. Student Organization Violation
    Violation of any University rule governing student organizations, or the use of University property (including the time, place, and manner of meetings or demonstrations on University property), or of any other University rule that is reasonably related to the orderly operation of the University; provided, however, that no disciplinary sanction shall be imposed in any such case unless it is shown that the accused student knew, or, in the exercise of reasonable care, should have known, of the rule in question.

  9. Drugs
    Use, possession, providing, selling, manufacturing, or distribution of any illegal drug, controlled substance, narcotic or prescription drug, except as expressly permitted by law.  Intentionally or recklessly inhaling or ingesting any substance (e.g., nitrous oxide, glue, paint, etc.) for the purpose or effect of altering a student’s mental state is also prohibited.

  10. Indecent Behavior
    Lewd, indecent, or obscene conduct on University property or in connection with a University activity.

  11. Noncompliance with University Officials
    Failure to comply with directions of University officials acting in the performance of their duties, including but not limited to failing to present identification upon request of a University official acting in the official capacity of their position.

  12. Appropriate Order
    Any conduct that substantially threatens or interferes with the maintenance of appropriate order and discipline in the operation of the University, or any conduct on University property or in connection with a University activity that invades the rights of others, including acting in concert with or at the direction of another to injure, oppress, threaten or intimidate any person in the free exercise of their rights.

  13. Alcohol
    The possession, sale, use, or manufacturing of alcohol beverages in or on any University property, unless expressly permitted by law or University Regulations (University Senate Document, 99-9, April 24, 2000).  Additionally, prohibited behavior includes displaying behavior of public intoxication, operating a vehicle or other mode of transportation under the influence of alcohol, and providing or distributing alcohol to a minor, whether or not such conduct occurs on University property.

  14. Weapons on Campus
    The possession, use, or distribution of any explosives, guns, or other deadly or dangerous weapons reasonably calculated to cause bodily injury on University property or in connection with a University activity, unless specifically authorized by the University (University Senate Document 99-10, April 24, 2000).

  15. Sanction Violation
    Violating the terms of any University disciplinary sanction.  This behavior includes violating standards outlined in these regulations while currently under a University sanction for previous behavior or failing to meet deadlines and/or requirements assigned in conjunction with a violation of these regulations.

Last modified: August 16, 2023

Purdue University, Office of the Dean of Students, Helen B. Schleman Hall (formerly the Recitation Building), 2nd Floor, 656 Oval Drive, West Lafayette, IN 47907-2086, Phone (765) 494-1747, Fax (765) 496-1550

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