“As a Boilermaker pursuing academic excellence, I pledge to be honest and true in all that I do. Accountable together – We are Purdue.”

This is the Purdue Honor Pledge. It is a recognition of the position, responsibility, and commitment that holds every Purdue student accountable. Purdue students have the unique position of being at one of the world’s premiere universities, and as Boilermakers we are all held to a higher standard. By nature, Boilermakers pursue academic excellence, and the pledge calls students to achieve this high standard recognizing the traditions we stand on and the legacy we strive to build. This excellence, however, is not just confined to the classroom, but in everything we do, Purdue students are committed to integrity and honesty. As a community of students working together towards the common goal of academic excellence, we are to hold each other accountable for these ideals which are Purdue’s foundation. The prestigious degree students now work towards is valuable because of the integrity and honesty of previous Purdue classes. It now is our privilege to continue to further the Purdue heritage and work to build our own legacy that will stand for future Purdue students. Hail Purdue!