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Community Standards Board Conduct Conference

CSB Conduct Conference Information Session


Students are required to schedule a conduct conference information session with a representative of the Office of Student Rights and Responsibilities (OSRR) either before or after they receive a notice of charge(s). In the information session a representative will meet informally with the student to explain the conduct process, explain the student’s rights regarding the process, and answer questions about the procedures and possible consequences.

The Conduct Conference

The format for the conduct process is outlined in Section C-1 to C-7 of the  Student Regulations :

  • Each conduct conference is conducted before one or more members of the OSRR staff and, although the conference is informal in nature, it is designed to provide the student certain procedural safeguards.
  • The student is given the opportunity to hear the information that led to his/her charge; rebut statements made by witnesses; and present witness statements or any relevant information in the student's own behalf. The student also shall be given the opportunity to respond to any new information gathered during an investigation subsequent to the conference. The decision of the OSRR shall be based solely on information introduced at the conference and obtained during subsequent investigations. The finding shall be rendered by the original OSRR officer, who shall be present for all testimony and investigations by the OSRR office. Responsibility is determined based on the threshold of "preponderance of the information" — meaning that it need only be  more likely than not that a behavior occurred (51% chance) for the OSRR to determine a finding of responsibility.
  • The student may bring one person for support or as an advisor; however, that individual may not speak or ask questions on behalf of the student during the conduct conference.
  • Within five days following the conclusion of the conference and subsequent investigation, the OSRR will notify the student in writing of what action it will take. The decision letter shall contain a finding of responsibility of the student and a determination of the sanctions imposed by the OSRR. 
  • Any appeal of the decision of the OSRR must be submitted in writing within seven business days of the date of the decision letter to the appropriate appeals officer, as detailed in the decision letter.


Educationally sound sanctions may be proposed in combination with primary disciplinary actions. Suspension and expulsion are possible outcomes of a community standards board conduct conference.

Written warning means that a student will be issued a directive that reprimands his or her behavior. Further behavior along the same lines is unacceptable and may result in further action by the OSRR.

Disciplinary probation means a probationary student status imposed for a limited time as a result of an official determination of misconduct. In the event the student is found responsible (under the procedures set forth in  Student Regulations) of subsequent charges of misconduct committed during the period of disciplinary probation, records of such disciplinary probation shall be taken into consideration in determining the sanction(s), if any, to be imposed because of such subsequent misconduct.

Probated suspension means conditional continuation of student status for a limited and defined period of time. The student is permitted to retain student status upon the condition that the student does not further violate any University regulation that would normally result in a disciplinary sanction during the time probated suspension is in effect. If, during the period of probated suspension, the student is found responsible for an additional violation of the Code of Conduct after a conference, suspension may become immediately effective and may be extended for a longer period of time than the period of probated suspension originally assigned.

Suspension means termination of student status for a limited time, generally without grades; however, in cases such as academic dishonesty, a directed grade for a particular course may be appropriate.

Expulsion means permanent termination of student status, generally without grades; however, in cases such as academic dishonesty, a directed grade for a particular course maybe be appropriate.

Educational sanctions may be imposed in addition to any combination of the above primary sanctions. If deemed necessary, they are specific to the individual. Failure to complete assigned educational sanctions in a timely manner could result in further action by the OSRR. The following is a non-comprehensive list of examples of educational sanctions:

  • Academic Integrity Seminar (associated fee)
  • Community service
  • Drug and alcohol classes
  • Drug and alcohol risk assessment through CAPS (associated fee)
  • Follow-up meetings with a staff member
  • Letter of apology
  • Reflective writing assignment
  • Restitution for damages or theft
  • Restriction from areas of campus


Student conduct proceedings shall be instituted by the OSRR by the issuance of notice of charges. If the student appears in response to the notice of charges for the purpose of a conduct conference of the alleged violation, the student has certain substantial and procedural rights as follows:

  • The right to be informed of the allegations that have formed the basis for the charges;
  • The right to make a statement regarding the allegations and the charges. The student may choose to not make a statement regarding the allegations and the charges. The decision not to make a statement will not be held against the student in determining whether or not they are responsible for committing a policy violation;
  • The right to be informed of any witnesses that the University will call as part of the disciplinary proceeding;
  • The right to present witnesses as part of the student’s response to the allegations and the charges.  Students may present witnesses in person, with the exception of character witnesses, which will be considered in written format only. It is the responsibility of the student to present witnesses at the time of the scheduled disciplinary proceeding. Postponement or rescheduling of student disciplinary proceedings due to the availability of a witness will not be permitted.
  • The right to have one person of the student’s choosing serve as an advisor to the student during the disciplinary proceeding;
  • The right to be informed of the outcome of the student disciplinary proceeding; and
  • The right to appeal the decision of the Conduct Officer subject to the eligibility criteria and procedures set forth in Subsection C(8) (Appeal of the Disciplinary Decision).

Becoming a Member of the Community Standards Board

The Community Standards Board (CSB) will be charged with adjudicating the most serious student conduct cases that are seen by the Office of Student Rights and Responsibilities that could result in suspension or expulsion for the charged student.

Members of the CSB should be familiar with University Regulations, specifically Section B. “Student Conduct.” Additionally, members work together as a team to ask clear, sensitive, and relevant questions to determine the fact pattern of a student conduct case, consider all information presented by the university representative and charge student, and make recommendations of fair outcomes and sanctions to the Dean of Students.

Membership Requirements

To be considered for membership, applicants must:

  • Student Membership (Undergraduate & Graduate)
    • Maintain a cumulative GPA of 2.5 and an active student status on the West Lafayette campus. First year students are accepted pending the outcome of their Fall semester grades.
    • Have not been placed on a status of disciplinary probation, probated suspension, or suspension, for a violation of policies found in the University Regulations or those published by University Residences.
  • Faculty/Staff Membership
    • Be a current faculty or staff member at the West Lafayette Campus
    • Be willing to serve as a mentor and resource for student board members during CSB hearings

Membership Expectations

  • Members must have availability Monday-Friday, between 9am and 5pm, which includes some 2-4 hour blocks of availability to serve on Community Standards Board panels.
  • Members must uphold the highest standards for their own behavior, both on and off campus and avoid involvement in situations that may lessen the perceived credibility of the conduct system.
  • Maintain student and CSB confidentiality at all times
  • Become and remain knowledgeable about all aspects of University Regulations
  • Participate in various on-going training and educational outreach efforts
  • Participate in at least (1) CSB per school year

Applying to Become a Member of the Community Standards Board

Interested students and faculty/staff who meet the minimum requirements should complete the CSB member application for their respective role at the university. OSRR staff will review applications on a rolling basis. OSRR staff will contact applicants for an interview based on their application and the university’s current need for additional CSB members.

Student Member Application

Faculty/Staff Member Application

Recommend a Student to Become a Member of the Community Standards Board

If you know a current student on the West Lafayette campus who you believe would be a good student panelist candidate for the Community Standards Board, but they may not apply without encouragement, please consider submitting a recommendation form. Our team will review recommendations, and reach out to recommended students to encourage them to apply.

Student Panelist Recommendation Form

Last modified: March 5, 2024

Purdue University, Office of the Dean of Students, Helen B. Schleman Hall (formerly the Recitation Building), 2nd Floor, 656 Oval Drive, West Lafayette, IN 47907-2086, Phone (765) 494-1747, Fax (765) 496-1550

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