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Commencement Corner

Greetings from your Commencement Team!

We wanted to take a minute to update you on some important upcoming deadlines.

After meeting with their advisor to confirm degree requirements undergraduate students (along with Vet-Med/Pharmacy students) should be applying to graduate through their myPurdue page. This process is to indicate that the student believes they will meet all necessary degree requirements for the semester they have selected. This does NOT indicate their participation in the commencement ceremony. That process is covered below. Students applying to graduate Spring 2019 have until March 8th to do so.

Once the student has applied to graduate, they will need to indicate their participation in the commencement ceremony through the Commencement Tab. Students were able to log into their MyPurdue page and access the tab beginning March 1. The tab will only be available to those students that have applied to graduate. There are several important pieces of information collected through the Commencement Tab regardless of whether or not your student will be attending. Information gathered includes:

  • Commencement participation
  • Guest tickets – Each student is allotted a maximum of 4 guest tickets each. Due to the large number of graduation candidates we are unable to guarantee any more than 4.   While the Commencement tab does allow candidates to request up to two additional guest tickets, the reality of our candidate numbers and the participation rate, the chance of any extra guest tickets being dispersed with the guaranteed tickets should be considered a rare chance. Un-ticketed guests’ best option remains planning to watch via live webcast or our overflow location in Fowler Hall.
  • Cap & gown – Students are required to wear appropriate academic attire. Please note the last day to order without a $75 late fee is March 22rd
  • Diploma name – The student can indicate their name as they would like it to appear on their diploma.
  • Diploma mailing address – If the student does not receive their diploma on stage this is the address we will use to mail it. It is important this information is updated so that we can ensure the student receives their diploma in a timely fashion.
  • For the most up-to-date information please follow Purdue Commencement on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram.
  • For any question not answered please visit:

The Commencement Tab will close on April 12 at 10PM. It is vitally important that your student complete the steps on the Commencement Tab to ensure they have the best commencement experience possible.

Congratulations to our candidates and their families!  Boiler Up!

Purdue University, 610 Purdue Mall, West Lafayette, IN 47907, (765) 494-4600

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