Newsletter Archive
2024-25 Academic Year
Purdue Parent & Family Connections invites you to join the Purdue Parent & Family Connections Portal. This portal allows our Boilermaker Families to receive periodic news and updates according to personal preferences – weekly, bi-weekly, monthly or quarterly.
Families will be able to view Purdue news and information specific to their Boilermaker’s journey all based on available communities.
This is your go-to for Parent & Family Connections information including:
- Important news, updates and deadlines
- Personalized content (information) specific to you and your student
- Announcements
- Updates for your student and/or friends and family
As we transition to the use of the Purdue Parent & Family Connections Portal, we will continue to send this newsletter until May. Once you are registered for the portal, you are encouraged to unsubscribe from this mailing list. Starting in June, future Parent & Family Connections information, Family Weekends and announcements will be sent only through the portal. If you have questions or are unsure about creating a portal account, do not worry — we’ve created a video overview on how to create your account and use the portal.
Parent & Family Connections will continue to provide information, resources, tools and services using the portal to communicate. We work together with families to empower family members as partners in student success.
Thank you for supporting your student's academic journey. If you need support or are looking for resources, families can contact Parent & Family Connections at or by calling us at (765) 496-0524.