Parent & Family Volunteer Network
At Purdue University, we believe family involvement is critical to student success. The Parent & Family Volunteer Network is designed to give parents and family members the opportunity to become more active in the University community. The Parent & Family Volunteer Network strives enhances the student, parent, and family experience. By participating in the Parent & Family Volunteer Network, you will become more connected to Purdue University, meet other parents, and serve as a positive role model for your student(s). Volunteer opportunities range from a one-time commitment to on-going opportunities throughout the academic year, offering various, and flexible options.
Parent & Family Connections partners with many departments on campus to provide a wide variety of opportunities such as:
- Welcoming newly admitted families to the University
- Serving on parent panels for new incoming families
- Assisting with Boiler Gold Rush move-in events and activities
- Assisting with various Family Weekend events
- Hosting Boilermakers over the holidays
- Hosting local events
Interested in becoming a member of the Parent & Family Volunteer Network? Let us know. For more information about the Parent & Family Volunteer Network, or if you have additional questions, please call the Parent & Family Helpline at 765-496-0524 or email parents@purdue.edu.