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See our FAQs

Frequently Asked Questions for Incoming Families

Click on the question below to expand the box for the answer.


When a student reaches the age of 18 or begins attending a postsecondary institution at any age, FERPA rights transfer from the parent to the student. Students can give parents, legal guardians, or other trusted parties access to view certain pieces of their student information online. This access is referred to as proxy access, and the person who is granted this authorization is called myPurdue proxy. The student controls the entire process through his/her myPurdue Portal and can add anyone with a valid e-mail address as a proxy.
Note - * = linked files are pdf documents
The best resource for finding breaks is the Academic Calendar.

Prior to May 1, 2025

Students can request an application major change through an Admissions form found in their Purdue application portal under the "Application" tab, then select "Change Requests" from the dropdown, then Change Major & Location and Appeal Request. Students requesting a change in major or location will be reevaluated for a decision for the new requested major. Doing this request does not forfeit the admission for their current major if denied for the requested major. Please note, not all majors are available on the Change Major & Location and Appeal Request due to space availability. While it could be sooner, decision on change major and location requests will not likely be released until the end of March or later. If your student has any questions about this process, they should contact the Office of Admissions -

After May 1, 2025

Students requesting a major change after May 1, 2025, will need to speak with an advisor. Students can speak with their assigned advisor during their advising appointment about possibilities. 

If your student received a merit scholarship, they should refer to eligibility requirements of the scholarship before requesting a major change.

If your student is having difficulty in class, their first step should be to meet with the course instructor. Your student can find office hours for their instructor in the course syllabus.
Purdue has a vested interest in your student’s success and provides the resources students need to do well academically. 
  • Academic and Faculty Advisors - Every semester, students will meet with either their academic advisor or faculty advisor. The advisor’s role is to take a holistic view of each student in order to maximize the student’s educational experience.  This is done by assisting students in defining, planning and achieving their educational, personal and career goals. Advisors are a great front-line guide for students during their academic journey.
  • Faculty and Course Instructors - All faculty members keep office hours, during which students can meet with their professors one-on-one. Whether or not students need help in individual classes, it is strongly recommended that they visit professors during office hours for help with everything from exploring additional academic and professional opportunities on and off campus to learning more about the faculty member’s area of expertise.
  • Academic Success Center - The Academic Success Center (ASC) offers a wide variety of support services that are free and available to all Purdue students.
    • Supplemental Instruction: Peer-assisted study sessions for historically difficult, foundational courses. Supplemental Instruction (SI) is designed to increase retention, improve grades, and improve graduation rates.
    • Peer Success Coaching: A Peer Success Coach (PSC) is a trained undergraduate student leader who offers guidance, encouragement, and accountability for students as they work through any challenges they may face while working toward their goals. Students can meet with a PSC throughout the semester or periodically during drop-in hours.
    • Academic Consultations: Students can meet with ASC staff for a one-on-one conversation about time management, effective study strategies, and other academic skills. Consultations are held by appointment and drop-in basis and can be a single visit or multiple sessions throughout the semester.
    • Workshops: No registration is needed to attend one-hour workshops on topics such as time management, “acing” exams, increasing memory, surviving finals week, etc.
    • Tutoring: The ASC does not provide tutoring; however their website showcases the many academic support resources available on campus. 
    • PurdueGuide App: This app provides information about academic programs, sessions, and resources around Purdue University’s campus.
  • Disability Resource Center (DRC) -  The (DRC) is the office designated by Purdue to provide services, resources, and programs to facilitate equal access for disabled students, resulting in their full participation in curricular and co-curricular offerings.
  • myPurduePlan -myPurduePlan is a web-based tool Purdue students can use to track their progress to their degree. This self-help tool complements the guidance students receive from their academic advisor. “Fifteen to Finish” is a phrase your student will hear throughout his or her Purdue education — if they take 15 credit hours each semester (30/academic year), they are more likely to graduate in four years.
  • Purdue Libraries- The Purdue University Libraries system on the West Lafayette campus includes six subject-oriented libraries, the Hicks Undergraduate Library, and the Virginia Kelly Karnes Archives and Special Collections Research Center. The Ask a Librarian service offers chat help with library resources.
  • Purdue Writing Lab - The Writing Lab offers free one-on-one consultations to any Purdue student working on any writing project, in any stage of the writing process. The Purdue Online Writing Lab offers global support through online reference materials and services.
  • Time Management App: Shovel -  Shovel is a new, real-time college planner app that Purdue is offering free to all students; it can help your student schedule their time effectively with less stress.  With Shovel your student can enter their course requirements, co-curricular commitments, and/or employment hours--and be able to balance their time so that they also schedule downtime and breaks. Shovel is a tool that can assist your student in creating  structure to their days, and avoid the risk of sitting in front of their computer for long stretches of time. Students can access their free Shovel account by following this link and using their email to sign-up. 
  • UR Support Center - The University Residences Support Center (URSC) seeks to foster faculty and student engagement through impactful learning and intellectual development within an innovative environment. The URSC offers two locations with many amenities for students to study individually or in a group setting.
The final exam schedule will be available in late September for the fall term, in late February for the spring term, and in late June for the summer term. Until the final exam schedule is published, students should be prepared to be on campus through the end of the final exam period.


Fee statements will be sent to student's email address and accessible through myPurdue in July. No paper fee statements will be mailed.
Similarly to the myPurdue proxy access, students can assign their parents/guardian as an Authorized User which gives parents/guardian access to secured billing information, and gives the Bursar permission to speak to you about specific information pertaining to your student.
Tuition and fees are always due, paid in full, on the first day of the semester.


Purdue 101 is our required online orientation program for all incoming students, completed through Brightspace. Purdue 101 guides students through campus resources and provides information on the course planning process to help your Boilermaker make a strong start at Purdue! Your student can complete the online module at any pace, but they must complete it before they can meet with their academic advisor.

Purdue 101 officially opens for summer/fall beginners on May 2nd, and students are encouraged to complete it as soon as possible.

For more information about All Aboard Purdue dates and deadlines, please visit the Orientation Timeline page.

Purdue 102 is a self-guided orientation module is located online in Brightspace, Purdue's online learning system. New students are automatically enrolled. 

The deadline for students to complete Purdue 102 is August 1st.  Students must complete Purdue 102 before arriving to campus.

For more information about All Aboard Purdue dates and deadlines, please visit the Orientation Timeline page.

Boiler Gold Rush (BGR) is a week-long orientation program takes place before fall classes begin. Students move-in early and learn about campus traditions, Purdue culture and University resources while connecting with other new students.
Purdue encourages all incoming students to take part in an August orientation program (BGR, Band Camp, Purdue Musical Organizations Camp, Intercollegiate Athletics preparation). Over 7,000 incoming students participate in BGR.

Move-in (for students living in University Residences)

University Residences has an Important Dates page outlining contract information.
If your student is participating in Boiler Gold Rush, they will move into their assigned residence prior to the start of the program.
Students beginning in August will receive an email in mid-July with move-in information. Please visit the housing website for additional move-in information.
Watch for information in the "Families of New Beginner Students" Community in the Purdue Parent & Family Connections portal.
This is best to be discussed with your student, however many families will help their student get settled into their academic housing and even run to local stores for items before leaving campus.
In most cases items can be shipped to arrive the same time as your student (arriving no earlier than the week leading into Boiler Gold Rush), however it is best for your student to verify the process with their assigned residence. Contact information for each residence can be found on the housing website.


With the exception of particular programs, no one is required to live in University housing- unless the student has signed a housing contract to live in University Residences during the contract term. Students who are not attending Purdue University during the contract term will be released from their signed housing contract.
There are a number of residences that make up University Residences, and incoming students do not get to specify the residence they want, but they can rank their room-type preferences. Visit the University Residences Room Rate Tool to help determine what may best suit your student.
The standard residence mattress size is 36” x 78”. Bed linens are not provided, and either regular twin or twin XL will fit. Many students do find twin XL are beneficial to have if they have a lofted bed as the twin XL do provide a bit more room when making the bed.
Each residence has approximate room sizes listed on their residences website under “room layout” 
Information on how to mail items to students can be found on the housing website.
University Residences encourages open communication between residents. If talking it out between the two of them doesn't work, their floor resident assistant (RA) is an excellent resource for assistance.
As stated in the UR Guidelines and Policies, residents are permitted to use TVs, VCRs, DVDs, computers, stereos, coffee makers (with an enclosed heating element, e.g., Keurig), refrigerators (must be UL approved/maximum size 4.0 cubic feet) and compact microwave ovens (1,000 watts or less) – one per student room. University Residences partners with Bedloft as an outside vendor for futons and microfridges (a minifridge/microwave combination) that meet safety and capacity requirements for these items.
University Residences have lists of items provided by University Residences, items students may want to bring, along with items that cannot be brought on their UR move-in website.
University staff conduct maintenance on a wide variety of building systems and living spaces, including your assigned room or apartment in University Residences. Getting something fixed starts by notifying staff there is a problem. The easiest way to submit a work order is via the online “Fix It” website. If your living space requires emergency maintenance, notify a Resident Assistant, Facilities staff, or the hall main office. We can’t fix it if we don’t know about it! There is no charge for routine repairs.
The University Residences website is a plethora of information about on-campus housing.
Purdue Off-Campus Housing is here to help make students’ off-campus living experience the best it can be. They provide information, resources and links so students and their family can easily navigate around Purdue and West Lafayette. Students who live off-campus are encouraged to attend a Landlord/Tenant Law Symposium held each semester by Student Legal Services. They will provide tips on signing a lease, talk about security deposits and how to discuss issues with their landlord.
“C” Permit

"C" permits may only be purchased online. Students must provide proof of their local address and upload it into the online parking portal. Any registered student whose local place of residence is outside of the defined 1.5 mile commuter radius from campus may purchase a "C" permit. Vehicles must be registered for License Plate Recognition and linked to the purchased parking permit. If your student has any questions concerning a specific address, please have them contact Parking Facilities.

Regular Residence Hall Permits

Regular parking permits are available for sophomores, juniors and seniors living in University Residences. All parking permits are subject to availability. Residence hall permits are valid in any space posted for residence hall permits.

Restricted Residence Hall Permit

Restricted Parking permits are available to first-year students only with the approval of Parking Facilities, a completed Restricted Permit Application and documentation of one of the following:

  • Regular medical visits off-campus
  • Classes off-campus (excluding the Airport)
  • Reserve/active military duty
  • Off-campus employment

Restricted parking permits are subject to availability and only valid in the East Airport Lot in spaces posted for residence hall permits. It is the responsibility of the applicant to provide any supporting documentation necessary for approval.

The university does not assume responsibility for the loss of money or valuables, damage to property, or injuries on the premises. If your student is not covered under your homeowner's insurance policy, we strongly recommend you make arrangements for insurance protection against such losses.


Students who choose to live in the undergraduate residence halls are required to purchase a meal plan as part of the housing contract. Students who live in Hawkins Hall or Hilltop Apartments may select a meal plan when they sign their housing contract but are not required to do so. (Note:  Students living at Hawkins Hall and Hilltop Apartments who have selected a meal plan are not eligible to change to a room-only option during the term of the housing contract). 
Purdue Dining & Culinary offers a variety of meal plans to fit each student's unique schedule and budget. More information about the available meal plans can be found on the dining website.
Off-campus students are not eligible to purchase a residential dining meal plan, however they can purchase a retail dining package.
Your student can go online any time before the start of the contract and make changes to their meal plan. After the contract begins, students can only move up in meal plans -
More information about Purdue Dining can be found on the dining website.


All incoming students MUST complete the immunization information form located under the forms tab in the Patient Portal found at If your student is under 18 years of age, you will need to sign a minor consent form at the Student Health Center (PUSH).
The Greater Lafayette and Purdue University community has received national recognition for being a great place to live, work, and study. Yet, it is not immune from some of the problems that beset the remainder of the country—and crime is one such reality. Through a variety of programs and services, Purdue strives to provide a safe and secure environment for students, staff, and visitors; but, it is only possible to maintain safety and security when each student, staff member, and visitor takes an active role in the effort. No police department, programs, or procedures can be effective unless individuals exercise reasonable care and prudence. Safety and security is everyone's responsibility.
Purdue University Student Health Service (known on campus as PUSH) offers a number of medical services to Boilermakers.
Communication is the key- students should notify their course instructor of their absence, and refer to the course syllabus (provided the first day of class) of the absence policy.
The University sponsored health insurance plan is only mandatory for international students, however there is a plan for domestic students. Eligibility and enrollment information is available on the PUSH website.
There are a number of resources available to students who are having difficulties inside or outside the classroom.
  • The Division of Recreation and Wellness has a number of programs for a student to achieve their health and wellness goals. Along with the other recreation center offerings, wellness programs include: Wellness Education, Nutrition Counseling, Demonstration Kitchen, Alcohol Education, Sexual Health, Stress Management and Well-being, Massage Therapy and Light Therapy, and Financial Literacy Education
  • Student Support Specialists – sometimes known as the “Google” of Purdue – Student support specialists will meet with students and help direct them to the necessary resources
  • Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) offer a variety of mental health services and strives to provide assistance to help actively enrolled students improve their mental health and succeed, in life and academically. When a student is seeking a consultation with CAPS, they will be scheduled for a 15 minute brief phone screening appointment with a clinician. This brief discussion helps us assess the nature and urgency of their concern, and identify the most appropriate next steps. Shall your student experience a crisis outside of CAPS hours of operation, they should call (765) 494-6995, press 1, and they will be connected with a clinician who will assess their situation and provide help. 
  • Disability Resource Center - The (DRC) is the office designated by Purdue to provide services, resources, and programs to facilitate equal access for disabled students, resulting in their full participation in curricular and co-curricular offerings.
Talk to your student asking open-ended questions. If your student needs additional assistance, but is not sure where to begin, the Office of the Dean of Students provides information and resources to help with issues that may be negatively affecting them academically, financially or emotionally. Student Support Specialists in the Office of the Dean of Students are available by calling 765-494-1747 or in person on the second floor of Schleman Hall Monday – Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. (Eastern).
Purdue’s Recreation & Wellness (RecWell) is located in the France A. Córdova Recreational Sports Center. Be sure to check out the video tour of the facility on the RecWell homepage.
Yes! Powered by high-energy music, challenging exercises, and motivating instructors, Group X offers cutting-edge classes designed to make your student’s fitness goals easily attainable. With over 70 classes per week and a variety of class options, your student is sure to find something to fit their schedule! Offerings include formats like Les Mills BODYPUMP, ZUMBA, Yoga, cycling and more. Pass options are available on the GroupX website.
The listing of club sports is available on the RecWell site.

Athletics Tickets

Purdue Athletics has information on the Boarding Pass and other membership opportunities on their website.
Schedule announcements vary by sport. Some dates are available now, while others will be announced throughout the next several months. Information is available on the Purdue Athletics website.
Athletics will sell single-game tickets to students for football and for men’s basketball only if there is availability.
These are the official student groups for the following sports:
  • Ross-Ade Brigade: Purdue Football
  • Block Party: Purdue Volleyball
  • Paint Crew: Purdue Men's Basketball
  • Gold Mine: Purdue Women's Basketball

Membership costs for the student groups varies from $10-$20 depending on the group and provides different membership benefits. Students can join desired student groups when purchasing a Boarding Pass.

Co-Curricular Learning

Most recruitment events happen within the first month of the semester, in both fall and spring. The Panhellenic Association’s (PHA) formal recruitment process occurs during the first three weekends of the fall semester. The Purdue Cooperative Council (PCC) recruitment process occurs at the beginning of the spring semester. Additional organizations host individual events for the purpose of determining interested individuals, they can be contacted directly for more information.
Additional information about Fraternity, Sorority and Cooperative Life can be found on their website at Coming to campus for a tour? Their office is located on the second floor of Krach Leadership Center.
Has your student joined a club or organization? Many students make connections in the clubs or organizations they participate in. With around 1,000 clubs and student organizations on campus, your student has many options. Students can visit to search for organizations they may be interested in. Another opportunity to meet new people is by joining a club sport through Recreation & Wellness, or find a on-campus job.
Information for student employment opportunities can be found on the Student Employment website.

Additional FAQ's


Your student's Purdue ID card sometimes referred to as PUID card, Mobile ID, or photo ID, proclaims your student as a member of the Purdue community. It provides access to a variety of services on and off campus with a one-card solution that encompasses academics, finance, access, and identification for:

  • Students (Undergraduate, Graduate, Polytechnic, Purdue Online, Visiting)
  • Faculty, Staff, and Temporary
  • Official Retirees
  • Visiting Scholars
  • University Contractors

Depending on which of the above categories your student fall into, their Purdue ID card provides access through a combination of numeric, photographic, magnetic strip, and chip technology. The card functions as your key to many facilities and services on campus, including:

  • BoilerExpress
  • Building access
  • Library services
  • Meals
  • Recreational sports
  • Transportation
Yes, we have complied a lengthy list and have them outlined on this page. If you see something missing, be sure to let us know!
Yep, you found us! Parent & Family Connections at Purdue University engages family members as partners in their student’s educational journey.  By providing information, resources, tools, and services, we work together with families to empower students to be successful. As the liaison office for Purdue families, we advocate for the needs of parents and families and assist them in finding the appropriate campus resources and services. Parent & Family Connections staff can be contacted at or by calling the Helpline at 765-496-0524.
While students can sign up for emergency notifications at, this service is not available for families. If you have a Twitter account, you can get notifications from @purdueemergency


Most campus facilities are easily accessible by walking. However, at time students find the following options useful when getting around campus:
The Purdue University Airport (LAF) is your local connection to the world, offering 24 weekly round-trip flights from West Lafayette to Chicago and over 240 available connecting destinations. Book now for your upcoming travel needs.
Shuttle services to campus are available at both the Indianapolis International Airport and Chicago’s O’Hare International Airport.
  • Grant Street & Harrison Street Garages - Parking is available at various campus locations but the primary areas for visitor parking is the Grant Street Parking Garage, adjacent to the Purdue Memorial Union at 101 North Grant Street, and the Harrison Street Parking Garage located at 719 Clinic Drive. There is an hourly rate for these garages with pay-in lanes at the exits accepting major credit/debit cards.
  • Daily Parking* - With the purchase of a daily permit, visitors may park in any of the parking garages normally reserved for “A” permits (this excludes Grant Street and Harrison Street Garages). Also, in any “A”, “B” or “C” space. Daily visitor parking permits may be purchased online.
  • Residence Hall Guest Parking* - If parking for a short time, guests are encouraged to utilize one of the metered spots. Metered spots can be paid for using an app on your smart phone called PassportParking Mobile Pay – no need to have a pocket full of change!
  • Visitors needing special consideration for disability parking should contact the Parking Facilities Office at (765) 494-9497 or visit our location at the Materials Management Distribution Center at 700 Ahlers Drive.

* Information is subject to change – please visit the parking website for the most accurate information.

Visiting Campus

Schedules vary, so it is best to talk to your student to determine what will work best for them. In the fall, Family Weekend is held on a weekend of a home football game – the date for Family Weekend varies each year. In the spring, many families enjoy visiting during Spring Fest. However, if you are visiting outside of these times and are looking for things to do, the Lafayette-West Lafayette Visitors Bureau has a calendar of exciting events happening in the community as well as information on where to stay and where to eat while in town.
Fall Family Weekend is traditionally held in the fall semester during a home football game. After 2025, Spring Family Weekend will take place the same weekend as Spring Fest.
The University does not hold a formal “Mom’s” or “Dad’s” weekend. These events are hosted by fraternities, sororities and cooperatives. Each organization determines if and when they will host an event.

Last modified: February 4, 2025

Purdue University, 610 Purdue Mall, West Lafayette, IN 47907, (765) 494-4600

© 2025 Purdue University | An equal access/equal opportunity university | Copyright Complaints | Maintained by Parent and Family Connections

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