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September 2019 Newsletter

Before the excitement of Family Weekend 2019 is upon campus, Boilermakers from near and far will make a Giant Leap Home for Purdue's Homecoming Celebration on Saturday, October 12th. It will be a homecoming unlike any other as we wrap up Purdue’s yearlong “150 Years of Giant Leaps” commemoration.

To learn more about Purdue’s Sesquicentennial Celebration, visit

To learn more about events for Homecoming 2019 visit

Featured Stories

PASE, Center for Career Opportunities to hold mock career fair Sept. 4

Purdue Student Alumni Experience and the Center for Career Opportunities on Sept. 4 will host a mock career fair for students, sponsored by KAR.

The Mock Career Fair is open to all students. This is a great opportunity to practice for their elevator pitch and networking skills — not to mention boost their confidence — before the real career fairs begin in mid-September. Professional business attire is encouraged.

The fair will be 6:00-8:30 p.m., however from 6:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m., the event will be open exclusively for PASE members (don't forget the membership card)!

CCO Spotlight

The Center for Career Opportunities welcomes your student back to campus! As we enter career fair season, have your student access their myCCO account to begin researching internships, full and part time positions as well as employers coming to campus to recruit Purdue talent. Your student can click HERE to login and access their myCCO account. The CCO has resumed fall drop in hours for students seeking resume assistance as well as other career preparation questions. Encourage your student to utilize these express 10-15 minute drop-in hours by visiting YONG 132 Monday-Friday, 10:00am-4:00pm to meet with a CCO staff member. Lastly, the CCO career planning handbook is available on the CCO website.

Construction progress made over summer; projects continue into fall

Significant progress was made on a number of new construction and renovation projects on the West Lafayette campus over the summer. In addition, some interior and exterior maintenance and repair work was completed.

Several projects will continue into the fall semester with minimal effects on the campus community. More.

John Purdue Club - Young Professionals

If your Boilermaker is a current senior or has graduated in the last five years, ask them about continuing their passion for Purdue Sports with a John Purdue Club Young Professionals membership. Stay involved, support the teams you love, and meet other recently graduated Boilermakers! More.

Family Weekend - October 25-27, 2019

Plans are underway for events for the upcoming Family Weekend October 25-27. The Family Weekend website with a list of events launched August 28, with registration for Family Weekend Events set to open at 12:00 p.m. (noon, Eastern) on Wednesday, September 11. Watch your inbox the morning of September 11 with the link for Family Weekend Registration. Note: emails will be sent to individuals subscribed to the Parent & Family Connections monthly newsletters. 

Purdue Convocations

A new year, a new lineup of great convocations at Purdue. To learn more about upcoming events visit the Purdue Convocations website or stay up to date by following their Facebook Page.

Purdue Bands & Orchestras Events

Are you a fan of Purdue Bands & Orchestras? If you are not already, all you have to do is attend one concert and they will make you one! For a list of upcoming events, visit their website.

Purdue Musical Organizations (PMO)

You don't have to wait until the Purdue Christmas Show in December to hear their talented voices- find Purdue Musical Organization’s calendar of events here. You can also follow them on Facebook and watch your newsfeed for teasers all year long!

Purdue Theatre

The first of four mainstage productions for the Department of Theatre is quickly approaching. Click here to view the current season listing.


September 16, Last Day to Withdraw a Course with a Grade of W or to Add/Modify a Course with Instructor and Advisor Signature

October 7, Schedule of Classes published for Spring 2020 Term

October 7-8, October Break (No Classes)

October 25-27, Family Weekend

November 27-30, Thanksgiving Vacation (No Classes)

December 7, Classes End

December 8, Schedule of Classes published for Summer 2020 Term

December 9-14, Final Exams

December 14, Semester Ends (9:00 p.m.)

December 15, Fall Commencement

January 13, Spring Semester Classes Begin

See the full 2019-2020 academic calendar

Purdue University, 610 Purdue Mall, West Lafayette, IN 47907, (765) 494-4600

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