Over the past couple months, I’ve been watching a lot of the reality show Below Deck. Now just hear me out before you jump ship (pun intended) and head to the next page.
There’s a moment during one of the later seasons where Boson Eddie Lucas is saying goodbye to Captain Lee Rosbach at the end of a particularly difficult charter season.
“It’s always a pleasure working for you, Cap,” Eddie says.
“You don’t work ‘for’ me, you work ‘with’ me,” Lee responds.
It’s safe to say nobody turns on this type of show expecting to hear something that summarizes their entire leadership mindset, but you never know when or where a little affirmation is going to come your way.
This semester, our students went out into the world and worked with some truly amazing people. The Glee Club were invited to perform at the ACDA Conference in Omaha. Heart & Soul’s sojourn to Tennessee was punctuated (with an exclamation point) with an afternoon workshop with American Idol finalist Melinda Doolittle. University Choir sang their hearts out during the Total Eclipse event held in Indianapolis with thousands in attendance. A few of our students even found time to act in a Purdue Theatre musical.
None of these things would be possible, or as impactful, without the “with” of it all. I learn more and more about myself as a leader and as a person each semester working with these students. It’s a big reason why I enjoy the work I do, and I know all our directors would agree.
But, much like the end of a charter season, we have to say our goodbyes. Our seniors graduate and head out into the big blue to do great things. We wish them the best of luck, sad to see them go but grateful for having had the great fortune to work together for a short time, looking forward to the day our paths cross again.
Until then,
Christopher Wolford
PMO Marketing & Communications Manager