Procurement Services Auxiliary Services


A contract is a legally binding agreement, which recognizes and governs the rights and duties of both parties. As such, responsibility for contracting is with defined areas that have expertise in the area. The University’s Standard Terms and Conditions are utilized in most all engagements.

The Professional Services Contract Manual assist Purdue University employees in gaining an understanding of the Procurement Contracting Process, and provide general guidelines as to the terms and conditions necessary to be included in contracts.

Purdue's Real Estate Office is responsible for contracting for the University on the purchase, lease, sale or management of property.

The Capital Asset Management Office handles major construction and architectural and engineering services.

Procurement Services is responsible for reviewing and approving all contracts for professional services and the purchase of goods/services required for University business. This includes contracts provided by suppliers.

Examples of contract types supported by Procurement Services are provided. We also provide guidelines for cancelling a contract.