Procurement Services Auxiliary Services

Current Goods and Services Opportunities

The university posts all its solicitations on the strategic sourcing website. Open bid opportunities are updated daily with the university's intent to purchase specific goods or services. Businesses that wish to respond to open solicitations must submit responses within the specified time frame noted in the solicitations.

Bid Opportunities

Updated 03/25/2025

Bid opportunities are listed in the table below or in the associated Excel file (xls).

Bid Event Title Description Owner Email  Bid ID # Bidding start time (EST) (Military time) Bidding end time (EST) (Military time)
RFQ Hawkins E Tower SR
Brett Decker Doc5074681915 3/17/2025 15:40 3/27/2025 17:00
AH.030425.ITS. Digital Signage Electrical Outlets
PFW is seeking bids for the installation of electrical outlets at Digital Signage locations on campus. Austin Horn Doc5054269237 3/7/2025 11:27 3/28/2025 12:00
RFQ - Golf Complex
Maintenance Equipment
Purdue is soliciting bids on a variety of maintenance equipment for the golf complex. Equipment includes standing mowers, rough mowers, articulating tractors, gators, among others. Dylan Ford Doc5035822158 3/24/2025 13:31 3/28/2025 14:30
RFQ - AI Forge Server
Specs: 1x AMD EPYC 9135 or 9124 CPU 384 GB RAM (populate all channels and optimize) 4x 3.84TB U2 NVMe SSD storage 3x L40S 48GB GPUs 1x 10 Gbps networking, RJ45 Server sliding rack rails included. PDU and wall power cords are included for each PSU At least 2x redundant PSUs Enterprise full remote management card No OS required Required Documentation: Unit serial number MAC addresses of all network ports and their designation/location Any and all default or set usernames and passwords Max power draw per PSU, total max power draw Are PSUs auto-switching or 110 or 220 volts only?’ 3 years of warranty coverage Ashley Blanchette Doc5082029944 3/21/2025 14:05 3/28/2025 15:00
RFQ AV Equipment NLSN
Soliciting bids for AV equipment. Rich Murphy Doc5088153904 3/25/2025 11:12 3/28/2025 15:00
RFP Virtual Power Purchase Agreement (VPPA)
Purdue is soliciting bids for renewable energy projects for a Virtual Power Purchase Agreement (VPPA) or projects that qualify for Duke Indiana’s Green Source Advantage Program. Interested bidders can reach out to the listed contacts for more information. Chris Springer N/A 3/10/2025 9:00 3/28/2025 17:00
RFQ - LB03212025 - Quad
Water Softener System
Soliciting bids for a quad water softener system for Wood Hall. Lauren Burkhardt Doc5082191018 3/21/2025 14:55 3/28/2025 17:00
ASB Dining and Retail Services RFP 
Purdue is requesting proposals to satisfy the university's need for Dining and Retail Services for our Indianapolis campus N/A N/A 2/25/2025 16:38 4/1/2025 17:00