Modern Campus Curriculum
Purdue University uses Modern Campus Curriculum- a fully web-based system - for course and curricula creation and changes, as well as catalog management. All Purdue users have access via using Purdue Login.
Summary of Modern Campus Curriculum Proposal Changes effective Fall 2023 (PDF)
Curriculog Tips
Start Here
Everyone with Purdue credentials has access to Modern Campus Curriculum. If you are sent a proposal URL, login first and then access the link.
For proposal ideation and development work within your department and college, we recommend using Purdue Box or another collaborative tool of your preference. Modern Campus Curriculum is the formal approval process tool for tracking university administration sign-offs – after home college steps are complete. No edits may be made to the proposal or documents after launch.
Launch your Curriculog proposal once it’s ready for formal review outside of your college. An overview of when to launch the Modern Campus Curriculum Proposal by College is available here.
Mass Course Changes
A Mass Change Proposal may be warranted if a department requires the same change on 5 or more courses. These types of changes may include departmental ownership, prefix, prerequisites, restrictions, schedule types, attributes, expirations, and campus additions (Purdue Indianapolis only). The courses should be provided on a spreadsheet and the change must be the same for all courses listed. Do not provide combination changes as they will not be accepted. A Mass Change Proposal requires Registrar, Departmental and Dean approvals. Maggie Gerald will originate the proposal once the spreadsheet is received by email. Please contact Maggie Gerald to get started, .
Navigate and Search
- At any dropdown menu, you can type the name of a department, college, etc. into the search bar to limit results.
Search for Proposal/Check Proposal Status
Use the Academic Proposal List and Counts dashboard found in the Management Dashboards using your Purdue Credentials. Use the search at the top of the dashboard or filters to find your proposal. Selecting the proposal will route you back to the specific Modern Campus Curriculum proposal.
Searching Modern Campus Curriculum using Advanced Filter
- To search Modern Campus Curriculum click on the All Proposals tab at the top of the page.
- Next click on the Advanced Filter link next to Filter by. Once in the Advanced Filter, there are multiple filters to modify your results. You can search by keywords by typing in the keyword text field. You can search by college or department under Found Under dropdown.
- If selecting college be sure to check the box underneath that says Include all child entities. You can further filter your results by indicating the process type (course or program). You can search for active proposals and completed proposals.
- If you wish to search for completed proposals, you will need to check the completed box under Proposal Status.
- Once you have selected your search filters, click the Filter Proposals button on the left-hand side.
- At any dropdown menu, you can type the name of a department, college, etc. into the search bar to limit results.
- If you are required to make a decision on a proposal, you will click on the Decisions tab in the vertical taskbar on the right-hand side of page. Once the Decision tab is open you can click on Approve or Deny, then Make My decision. The following legend indicates the various statuses.
Workflow Status
- You may click on Workflow Status in the vertical taskbar on the right-hand side. The Workflow Status will allow you to see the approval steps of the proposal. Below is the legend of Modern Campus Curriculum icons.

- Be sure to utilize and review the comments on the proposal by clicking on the speech bubble icon in the vertical taskbar right-hand menu.
- While importing data into a proposal, you can ignore any red error messages that appear before you build the proposal. The proposal will still load. You will have to update the information that was not initially included (often the department info) before submitting the proposal.
Course Import - Change Existing Course Instructions
- To make changes to an existing course, select the +New Proposal button to get the list of proposal options.
- Select Change Existing Course proposal by clicking on the check mark icon to the right-hand side of the proposal title. A window will appear on the right-hand side of the screen.
- Type in your desired prefix in the Prefix text box and type in the 5-digit course number in the Code text box. The course will be generated in the results below.
- Click the paper with arrow icon on the right-hand side of the course.
- On the Import Data into your Proposal page, scroll to bottom of page and click on Build Proposal button. The existing course information will now be imported into the proposal.
Prerequisite Report Instructions
- Access the MyPurdue web portal.
- In the Advising or Faculty tabs, scroll down to the Course Resource section in the bottom left-hand side.
- In the Course Resource section click on Course Prerequisite Report.
- Select the term from the drop down and click submit.
- On the next screen, select the subject you want to search for then click on Get Prerequisites for Courses button. You can multi-select subjects by pressing the control button and clicking on different subjects. The report will bring back all active courses and their existing prerequisites for your selected term.
Course Impact Report Instructions
- Log into Modern Campus Curriculum (
- Click on the Reports tab in the top right corner.
- Under Detail Reports, click on Impact Report.
- In the next screen you will be prompted to input a prefix and code (the code is the 5 digit Purdue course number).
- Next you will click on Add External System. In the pop up window, select the current published catalog under the Acalog Map then scroll down and click Add External Systems To Impact Report.
- Click Submit Report then Confirm Submission. You will receive your Impact Report via email.
- Please note reports may take up to an hour to generate.
Need help? Training is available
Modern Campus Curriculum has embedded training guides and walkthroughs in the tool. Users can log in to and select “Walk Me Through” in the lower right corner to access Guided Training.
For additional training and support, contact the appropriate person below or reach out to