Change of Duty Station Request

A Change of Duty Station request is required to be completed when an employee’s normal work duties will be performed for more than 22 working days away from their hiring campus (West Lafayette or Regional campus).  The change in location is not required to complete the work but rather employee’s normal duties can be completed from a different location.  This requirement applies to both domestic and international location requests.  Examples include but are not limited to: a Graduate staff employee who needs to return to their home country to renew their visa but can complete their work remotely while abroad or an LTL who is requesting to teach their online course from another state.  

To begin the request, an employee should contact their college-specific payroll center, business office or other administrator assigned by their campus with the details of the change request (found here).  The request is submitted via Docusign and is routed for approvals from the employee’s supervisor and several central offices, depending on the specifics of the request. 

Travel plans should not be made prior to receiving an approved form.