Purdue International, Inc. (PII)

Purdue International, Inc. (PII) is a wholly controlled subsidiary of Purdue University and is registered in the State of Indiana as a 501c3.  PII exists to support the learning, discovery and engagement missions of the University on an international level.  Purdue strives to operate as Purdue University whenever possible so PII is not automatically deployed for every international program the University engages in.  PII is instead strategically deployed when it is determined the best vehicle for accomplishing strategic goals or when Purdue cannot operate as Purdue University.

PII Board of Directors (as of February 2019)
Lawrence "Sonny" Beck - Atlanta, Indiana
JoAnn Brouillette - Lafayette, Indiana
Vanessa J. Castagna - Dallas, Texas
Michael Klipsch - Carmel, Indiana
Gary J. Lehman - Lafayette, IN
PII Officers (as of February 2019)
JoAnn Brouillette - Chairman of the Board
Mitchell E. Daniels, Jr. - President
Suresh V. Garimella - Executive Vice President
Jay T. Akridge - Executive Vice President
Ken L. Sandel - Vice President
James S. Almond - Vice President and Treasurer
Denise Laussade - Assistant Treasurer
Teresa Mimms - Assistant Treasurer
Kathleen Thomason - Comptroller
Kimberly K. Hoebel - Assistant Comptroller and Assistant Secretary
Steven R. Schultz - Secretary
Alysa C. Rollock - Ethics and Conflicts Officer
PII Documents
PII Colombia